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Like always I'm up before Jamie, who's still snoring away beside me. But it's a quiet snore, it's cute.

I super slowly reach over him for my phone. His bed is tucked into the corner of his room so there's only one bedside table and he likes to sleep on the left so I get pushed to the wall. So trying to get my phone becomes a spy mission because I don't want to want to wake him.

Once I retrieve my phone I roll over and start scrolling. I don't want to get out of bed, I don't want this trip to end. I don't want to face the fact that I have to fly back to New York tonight.

Instead I decide to scroll through the photos I made Jamie take last night. We went to a nice dinner with Jess and Ryan, we walked around one of the lakes while we waited for our table. It was too cute to not get pictures! We also have almost zero serious pictures, most of the pictures we have together are random selfies.

The first few photos are of me fixing his hair into place and turning the chain of necklace so you can't see the clasp. Then it's just him and I standing next to each other, his arm around around me, his hand wrapped around my hip.

Jess took so many photos there are even ones of me telling him what to do, which are kind of cute candids. But in a few of them Jamie's looking at Jess confused after she tells him "Act like you like her you freak!" I smile replaying the moment in my head.

After that Jess made us pretend like we were walking towards her and those photos are my favorite. There's one where I'm looking up at him and he's looking down at me, our fingers laced together. I stare at it for a while, my eyes start to water.

I close my eyes trying to force away the tears. But I don't know when I'll see him next, he fly's back to California in a couple weeks to start preseason training and stuff. He's gonna be so far away again. I hate this.

I wipe my eyes and look at the picture again. The bed beside me shifts.

"Morning," Jamie's deep, sleepy voice makes me wipe my eyes again. His lips meet my shoulder as he wraps his arm around me, pulling him back to him.

"Good morning," I smile softly as his  lips meet my neck and I wiggle in his arms rolling onto my back so I can see him.

"Are you crying?" He jolts up, worried, when he sees my face.

"I'm just sad about leaving," I wipe my eyes that are still watery, "And I was looking at the pictures Jess took of us, it made me happy but sad."

"Well luckily," he brushes some of my hair off my face with his finger tips, "We have all day together."

And he's right, my flight doesn't leave until almost midnight.

"So we can do whatever you want," his hand caresses my face as he leans forward to kiss my cheek.

"I just wanna be with you. I don't care what we do."

"Movie day?"

"Sounds perfect," I smile leaning over to kiss his cheek.


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"I don't want to," Kendall pouts at me from the passenger seat.

We just got to the airport and are currently parked in a lot because Kendall got nervous about someone seeing us.

"I don't want you to either," I reach over, threading our fingers together.

"Let's just live in this car, we can just drive around everywhere, explore the country!" Kendall suggests half joking, half not.

"I think both of our parents would hate that." I laugh.

"Who cares! Just us and the open road baby," she smiles leaning over to kiss my cheek.

"I kinda like my job," I say looking over at Kendall's who's still leaning over the center of the car.

"Yeah I know," she smirks, "I kinda like your job too."

Kendall looks over at the clock, "I should head inside."

"We'll see each other soon," I push some of her hair behind her ear, letting my hand linger on her cheek, "I promise."

"I love you," she says softly.

"I love you," I lean over, pressing my lips to hers, soaking in the feeling of her soft skin on the palm of my hand, her lips against mine.

Kendall pulls away slowly. I watch her take a deep breath as her hand reaches for the door handle. I follow her lead. We both walk around to the trunk, a sad silence taking over both of us as I help her get her suitcase from the trunk.

"Text me when you land?" I ask standing in front of her.

Kendall nods. I can see the tears swelling in her eyes.

"Don't cry," I reach for her hand, "You're gonna make me cry!"

"Sorry," she softly smiles wiping her eyes with her hand, "This just never gets easier."

"I know," I bring my hand to her cheek, whipping the tears away, "We'll see each other soon."

I hold up my pinkie to her, "Promise?"

She starts smiling like she knows this is silly but she also loves it.

"Promise." She smiles looking up at me, wrapping her pinkie around mine.


But don't worry Jamie and Kendall's story isn't over yet.....book two 'Written In The Stars' is out now!!

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