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I'm sitting at the dining room table with my phone propped up against a cup while I eat dinner. Kendall's on the screen folding her laundry as we catch up.

She's been back in New York for a week. She had to get back before the holidays because of work. She had already committed to working extra days the week leading up to Christmas and couldn't back out of it.

"And then this women," she lets out an annoyed groan like she can't even understand why a person would do whatever she's about to say. She leaves the camera to hang a couple things in her closet as she says, "She and her four kids had, I swear one of everything in the store, then tried it all on for like three hours in the fitting room," she comes back into frame with her hands on her hips.

I take a bite of my sandwich as I listen to her.

"And I helped them find the right sizes and everything! Then they decided to get none of it! None! Not even the freaking clearance things!" She starts angrily folding t-shirts, "And left it all in the fitting room, unfolded and inside out! Why are people so inconsiderate? I got stuck there for two more hours then I was supposed to."

"I'm sorry, babe," I sigh, "They're only thinking about their needs and wants."

"And it's just getting worse as Christmas gets closer! You'd think it would get better, because it's the season of caring and blah blah blah," she keeps rambling, "Season of caring, my ass," she mumbles making me cover my mouth as I laugh.

"How about we talk about something more fun?" I offer. Kendall's shared some crazy stories with me from work but she sounds more annoyed then I've ever heard her.

"Gibby put your brother in a headlock today," I smile.

"What? Why?" She stops what she's doing and looks right at me. The team got a dog so I went to the practice facilities to hang out after my two week check up.

"He thought he could get away with pranking him. You don't prank your goalie."

"Okay but it's Gibby," Kendall smiles.

I nod, knowing exactly what she means, "He chased Z down the hallway, both of them still half way in their gear," I say thinking about Gibby chasing after Z with his goalie pads still on.

Kendall bursts into laughter probably visualizing the same thing I am and I smile because she is.



"Wait! Hold on!" I yell as I rush to shut my bedroom door.

"I'm waiting!" Jamie's laugh echos from my laptop.

Since we weren't able to be together for Christmas we just sent each other our gifts and decided to open them together on facetime.

My family and I just got back from our Grandparents house, Trevor, Ava and Griffin are all home for the holidays. And Ethan, is here as well and even though I adore him and Ava together, it's just annoying me right now. They're all watching a movie downstairs but I stepped away to call Jamie.

I wish Jamie was here. But he's with his own family.

Once I shut my door and get comfy on the bed again, with the big brown box Jamie sent me sitting next to me. I sigh looking at Jamie's face on my laptop, "I miss you."

"I miss you, but we're not getting sad right now, we opening gifts!" He taps the box I sent him that's sitting in front of him while he sits on their grey basement couch with a big smile.

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