Chapter 21

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Diego took a seat in the house of the star witch, Exa the healer, and close friend of his for years. She has been there for him in most parts of his life as much as she could, Diego couldn't blame her for the years she wasn't around as it was even hard to get her to talk to him ever again after she found what he had done.

But once she forgave him the connection came back, he just knew when to not cross her boundaries. When needed she is there but when she isn't then she is not available even for him.

Right now she is checking him out in a non-sexual way. It was a curious gaze, she is surprised to see an old friend who has been a child for as long as she can remember now in a grown-up body and much less an aki body. It felt like destiny brought Exton's body for him to get into "Congratulations, I guess" She sighed while taking a seat on top of the table opposite Diego "How does it feel?"

"I haven't adjusted much so heavy" Diego explained, he has to stare at his reflection just to make sure he hasn't turned back into a kid.

"It's a dead body after all"

"A dead body that is giving me a second chance"

"I don't want to discourage you but this isn't a second chance-"

"Don't, I have been scolded enough for the day" Sean did the job. He didn't give a reaction Diego was expecting.... that is if he expected anything at this point. What he did was on impulse, with no thinking behind it.

"Who did?"

"My mate didn't like me going into this body"

"Oh, he didn't? I thought he will find you sexy" She teased with a smile

"I thought he will start considering me as someone more than a friend or a child" Diego corrected, he didn't mind so much about the body he was going into. What mattered the most was being in a body old enough to date Sean "Instead now he hates me"

"I don't think so, I think he doesn't care about the body but more about the heart and that is a good thing"

"I guess, if I get him to talk to me" Diego just needed his mate. To see him as more but he realized that patience will have to do until his mate realizes that he is still the same Diego he can be friends with or more "I will let him process his thoughts and not pressure him into something he doesn't want. I have enough time to wait"

"I have seen you get to the man you are today. Your past self would have handled this in ways that would disgust you right now" Diego knew what she was talking about. He wasn't so pure in his past self. Expecting everyone to want him and if Sean didn't he would have handled this in different ways "The growth you have archived deserves to be loved and cherished" She moved and sat beside him

"He will fall in love with you"


Sean got back into his apartment, it was empty for a change. No Joshua and no Sabrina, he had just come from seeing her and she seemed excited about where she was staying and Sean had no reason to take her back.

So he decided to get home and have some rest in a soft bed. After taking a shower he got into his bed and covered himself with a blanket engulfing himself in the warmness he has come to miss after spending a night in a valley and having creatures chase after him.

He was falling into a deep sleep when he felt a body lying next to him. Sean tried to escape only to find Joshua "I didn't mean to wake you" Joshua apologized while giving him a peck on the cheek. Sean nodded laying back down and Joshua followed holding his hand as they glanced into each other's eyes "Where have you been?"

Helios: God of the sun  (book 2) boyxboyWhere stories live. Discover now