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BRO y'all are being so generous voting on my story I've never had people vote so quickly on my stories. I'm very thankful. I hope y'all are enjoying the story. Thank y'all once again for voting ♥︎♥︎♥︎♥︎😭

Also I have honor band very soon so I'll try and get some stuff ready before hand to post during that time im gone. I might not have time though.
: ((

"Come on straw hat you can't hide from me!! Stop being such a pansy and get out here and fight me already!" you scan the boats and look for this straw hat guy."Hey! Bikini Guy!" you and Franky look towards the boat the voice came from. "Huh?" a guy in a red shirt and a straw hat was responsible for the voice. "That's me I'm straw hat!"

"So he's the asshole that hurt the Franky family?" you think.

(Oml it's so weird writing from a perspective that makes luffy the "bad guy" so fun and weird! 😦 theirs a happy ending tho)

"So you're luffy huh? Didn't expect you to look so shrimpy! I got a bone to pick with you kid! It's seems you and your gang had a little party at my place while I was gone. When I came home now what did I see? My house is in shreds and my gang was on its knees and it's all thanks to luffy! I'll make this as plain as can be when you mess with my family you mess with Franky! Id hate to be you right now! Caus im on one hell of a role this week and ain't nobody gonna stop me! And you can cry if you like but either way I'm gonna pound you so hard even your own mother won't recognize you when I'm done! "

(Bro gave a fuckin speech damn 😭😭)

A girl in the boat starts to yell "Shut up! You jerk! Give us our 200 million berries back already!" You look at Franky and the girl confused." what is all of this about money I'm hearing. I'm so confused. Did he steal money? If he did it's usally to take care of us.." you think.

"Huh? You want your money back? Well that's a damn shame! Cause I'm afraid I spent it all! You pirates are all a bunch of sore losers! Don't act all high and might when you probably just stole the money from someone else!"

"The money doesn't matter! All I care about is getting revenge. So money or no money I'm gonna make you pay!" the more they talk the more confused you get."Revenge for what?" you whisper to yourself. "Ha you're stealing my lines you bastard! Are you trying to make me mad?" Franky says and laughs.

"Whatever just coke down here and fight!" Frankys chest starts to get bigger meaning he's about to attack. "Here we go!" you say.  Suddenly fire shoots out of his mouth towards straw hat. They are pushed away by the big gust of wind that came with it. "Oh? You scared? Having second thoughts?" Franky jumps in the water before swimming up and smashing their boat. "I guess he didn't drown! So he didn't eat a devil fruit!" luffy screams.

Franky pokes out of the water." I didn't eat no devil fruit! You think I'm crazy?!" straw hat turns towards Franky while in the sky to attack."I heard about your little power! You can't surprise! Strong right!!" frankys arm goes flying and hits luffy. Luffy is sent flying into a big gate. Straw hat then falls to the ground. Franky gets out of the water onto the street. You decide it's ok to go down now since they aren't fighting on water anymore. He might be able to swim but you sure as hell can't.

You hop down from the building next to Franky. "If you didn't eat a devil fruit then what are you?!" the girl asks."Huh you poor saps don't know anything now do ya? Alright then I'll tell ya! I'm just a normal guy with some extra parts! A cyborg you might say!"

The lady is stunned."A cyborg?" he laughs and nods. Luffy gets up and punches Franky into the ship yard while his guard is down."Franky!" you scream. Franky gets up an looks at you. "Y/n. You stay out of this unless I need back up got it?" he says.

You hesitate wanting to fight like him. You are just as mad but agree and stayto the side.

The two of them go back and forth between blows. Not getting anywhere. "I have to admit you're a lot stronger then I thought you would be but I'm still gonna beat you bikini man!" luffy says. Franky laughs."If you say so but it's gonna take a lot more then those wieny ass Attacks of yours!"

Frankys hand slides of his arm some turning it so he can aim."Weapons left!" he shoots his weapon at luffy. "Gum Gum whip!" luffys leg stretches and goes to hit Franky." what the hell is that!" you say. Franky easily blocked it but both him and straw hat we're hit in the face.

You can't see cause of the smoke but run in front of Franky while he's down. "I can't take it anymore! Who the hell was that!" you say.
You can barely see Franky but start to guard him. The smoke starts to clear to reveal the guys from the ship yard. "PAULIE???" You yell.

"This is to easy. If you knew what was good for ya you would have skipped toen a long time ago. Your in for it now!" Paulie says. You grit tour teeth."Franky are you ok?" you help Franky up."yeah im alright. Now.... I'd butt out of this if I were you! Once these fist start rockin and rolling they don't discriminate between pirates and shipwrights." Franky says.

"And that goes for other people's property too? Surely you don't expect us to stand here while you wreck our entire ship yard." kaku says (long nose)

"Franky! You better pay for this in berries if you don't you'll pay in blood" the viking looking guy says."alright tilestone it's ok we'll get Franky another time." Paulie replies.

"Tilestone? Y-your name is tilestone??!" you start busting out laughing."HAHAHAHA WHO THE HELL NAMES THEIR KID AFTER FLOORING?!" Your grab your stomach bending other from laughing so hard. Everyone stands their while you laugh."woo ok I'm sorry please continue!" you wipe your eyes. Paulie clears his throat and continues "As I was saying... We have bigger problems to deal with. Yeah I'm looking at your straw hat! You know exactly what I'm talking about. I don't know if you're brave or stupid but either way you're dead!"

(Not read over so might have grammer issues!)

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