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Small chapter cause I'm depressed. This scene low-key sucks to write cause theirs so my fuckin talking.


When entering the room suddenly a sheep looking man starts rolling towards them quickly on a cart. "I'm Wanze! It's a mad mad mad mad mad world and I'm a mad mad mad mad Wanze! HERE I COMEE" Wanze screams.

The four stand there shocked. He starts to go in circles on to the walls and roof."What the hell..." y/n whispers. The man suddenly stops and stands in front of them.

"What's up you guys! Are you hungry? You look hungry! How about some ramen? I'm the head stewart of this train so I can cook anything you guys would like to eat! Ok ramen it is but before I start, a little trivia for ya! My nose hairs are shaped like this!" he says using his pointer fingers to make a X.

"They criss cross inside! So they look just like fish net stockings! This is very important!" he explains before turning around grabbing hand fulls of flour shoving them in his mouth.

"First I grab the flour! And knead it." he says while chewing. Suddenly noodles come out of his nose into a bowl. He pours some broth in. "Done!" he yells proudly. "HELL NO!" the four of them yell at the same time.

Sanji shakes his head and sighs. "Ok that was a waste of time... Listen. We've got someone waiting on us Wanze. You'll have to enjoy that nose ramen on your own." Sanji says getting frustrated.

"Not so fast! If you want to pass through this car.... You'll have to defeat me first!" Wanze yells taking off his jacket."You think you can stop us?" sanji says smuggly. "I know I can! Go go go go go!!!! This is a important escort mission! So they got a important guy like me to keep the train safe! If you want to rescue that friend of yours then first you'll have to defeat my ramen kenpo!" he responds.

"Ramen kenpo?!" SK asks confused.
"RaMeN kEnPo?" wanze says mocking him.
"That little turd is making fun of me!!?!" he yells. "I know he's annoying but you got to keep your cool?!" sanji screams.

"This dude got ants in his pants or what?" Franky says holding up his arm and lowering his hand. He starts shooting at wanze but he dodges. "Hm? I could of sworn I grazed him with one of those shots. He doesn't even care. He looks happy!" Franky yells confused.

"I thought my heart was gonna leap out of my chest!" he admits." HOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO KNOW YOU MADE THAT STUPID FACE FOR EVERYTHING. I'll take this guy down just watch!" Franky screams.

"Woah woah just calm down. You can't let this clown get under your skin. We don't have that much time." y/n says holding down Franky arm."You three stand back and I'll make quick work of him. Idk what your deal is but if you were a real chef you would conduct yourself with a little more dignity." sanji says holding Franky and sk shoulders.

Wanze turns around to see if he is talking to him."I'M TALKING TO YOU STUPID?!" sanji yells charging at him with a kick but he dodges once again. "HOW ABOUT TAKING YOUR OWN ADVICE FOR ONCE!" SK and Franky scream.

"Damn he dodge that kick without even blinking! Heck he even looks happy!" y/n says." I thought I was gonna die..." he shutters. "THEN STOP DOING THAT DAMN FACE!" Franky yells.

"I've had enough. Like I said this guy is mine. You 3 go ahead. I'll catch up with you later." sanji says.

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