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I have thought of a gear five. And I think you all will love it. It's SO COOL. It's a surprise tho😉.


Sniper King breaks out into a song about his island. "W-what the hell is he doing?!" y/n questions in shock."Come on just humor the poor guy. He has to much pride to show his face to the crew but he still wants to rescue his friend." sanji says shaking his head.

"Well... As long as he stops singing I guess... HEY GET OVER HERE!" Franky yells."oh sure-" SK says. (SK is sniper king for short cause it's annoying to type lol)

All of them gather in a circle to come up with a plan. "Okay let's start the meeting for operation rescue robin." sanji says. "We've never met before. Don't you have and questions about me?" SK asks.

They try to ignore him and continue with the meeting."So the car yall we're in was car 6. That means their is 5 more left." sanji explains.

"Ya know like "where's sniper island?" SK says desperately trying to get a reaction. "We don't know which of those robin is in-" sanji goes to say.

"The answer is it's in your heart!" SK says cutting sanji off. Sanji gets more irritated by the second but tries to ignore him for Robin's sake. He takes a deep breath before continuing.

"By the way are y'all strong?" he asks. "Are you kidding im super strong! Even more then usual this week!" franky says sorta offended."I mean I don't mean to toot my own horn but I'd say I'm pretty strong!" y/n responds before shrugging.

"Remember the point is to rescue robin not beat the enemy. At least in theory. We're up against a lot of marines and in a narrow space so we need to make sure we don't get surrounded. We should avoid as many fights as we can." sanji explains.

Franky and y/n nod and agree."Even though we're total strangers. My intuition tells me that I can trust your judgement" SK says

"With that in mind I have a plan. Listen up..... "


The four of them get ready to hop down to the door from the roof of the train. "Y'all ready? Let's do this." sanji says jumping down. The rest following.

They take their positions before knocking on the door and opening it. They all peak their head around just enough to be seen."GOOD EVENING!" they say at the same time before shutting the door back.

The marines inside start to panic and tell all marines from the other cars to come help.

SK starts to nail boards on to the door so they can't open it."Hurry up!" sanji says."I'm trying!" SK responds trying to move quickly.
Once done they hop back up and head to the other end.

"Their!" sanji say, quickly detaching the car from the others.

"That should take care of at least 50 of the small fries! Alright 5 more." he says. He opens the door to the next cart. "You bastard! You're gonna suffer for that one!" one of the marines yell.

Sanji sighs. "Great more of these guys." he says. Y/n and the others hop down joining sanji in the cart. A few marines charge at sanji with swords."Frites Assorties!" he yells, ducking and kicking them into the ceiling.

"Sniper king..... Gun powder star!" SK yells shooting one of the marines. "Strongggg right!" Franky screams before detaching his arm and hitting them.

Y/n removes her gloves. "Rock rock harden level 2!" y/n yells slicing the marines close to her with her hands. A few marines pull out guns aiming at them. "Heavy weight bullets! Fire!" bullets come flying at the four of them. Sanji and ussop jump down to avoid being hit.

"Level three!" y/n yells shielding herself with her arms. Not taking damage from the bullets. "They hit them!" SK screams.

Y/n puts her arms down. "Ow that stinged a little." she says. The marines mouths gape open in surprise. "WHY ISN'T THE GUNS WORKING?!?" they yell.

Franky grabs one of the seats and rips it up from the ground, throwing it at the remaining marines. "Woah that was crazy what the hell are y'all?!" sanji asks in shock.

"Huh? Oh. Guess I forgot to tell ya. I'm a cyborg!" Franky says proudly."WHAT?! Those are real?!" SK questions."Yep. I got weapons built right into my body. Still hurts a little when I get shot and I might bleed a little. But no big deal." Franky says shrugging it off.

Y/n relaxes her body."I'm a devil fruit user. I ate the rock rock fruit. I'm as hard as a rock and sharp as a sword. Bullets bounce right off. But it does sorta sting a bit and tickle." y/n explains."WHAT?! Why did you never tell me you are a devil fruit user?!" SK yells.

"Well... You never asked and that's not how I usually introduce myself I guess!" she responds laughing."Just when you think you've seen all of it.... Something new always pops up.." sanji says.

SK pulls out two needles and pops y/n and Franky in the back. "AHHHHH! WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR?!" They both yell.
"Huh? Yall can deflect bullets but needles hurt?" SK says confused.

"Well for one! I'm not your science experiment so stop poking me! And two! Just so you know my back is different from my front damn it! I had to do the operation myself so I could reach behind me! In other words only the front side is cyborg!" Franky yells rubbing his back.

"And three! It's common sense that when my devil fruit isn't activated it won't work! I have normal skin just like everyone else!" y/n screams.

"Oh... I see... "SK says embarrassed."While I'm at it let me tell you another little secret. My bellys always cold. Can you guess why?" Franky asks."How would I know?" SK responds."Cause I have my own fridge in there to keep my cola cold!" he says opening his stomach.

"Man! That must be handy for summer!... Hey why is their a half eaten candy bar in there....?" SK asks. Y/n's eyes widden as she scratches her neck quickly grabbing the candy bar. "Huh? W-what candy bar I don't see a candy bar?!" she says throwing it behind her.

"Y/n. Why was their a candy bar in MY fridge that's in MY stomach?" Franky asks glaring at y/n. She awkwardly laughs while trying to avoid eye contact. "Ha ha so um you see earlier when we were at the bar I bought a candy bar remember? And I couldn't finish it! But it would be so sad if the money you gave me for it went to waste so I put it in there when you took that small nap earlier..... And I maybe have forgot about it.... " she explains.

He yells.

"That's cool and all guys but we got business to take care of!" sanji says.
"Fine but this isn't over y/n..." Franky grumbles. Y/n continues to avoid his glare and try to laugh it off.

They make their way to the next cart opening the door."This should be cart 4" sanji says.

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