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Y/n and Franky walk around looking for straw hat for hours. The weather getting worse as time passes. Franky stops suddenly making y/n run into him. "FIGHT ME STRAWHAT! STOP HIDING!" he screams.

"I thought that little turd had some back bone but I guess I was wrong! Won't even show his face." he says grumbling. Y/n sighs putting her hands behind her head."Look I see why you're mad and all but the whole town is chasing after him. He has no choice but to hide." she trys to explain.

"Hey Bro!" a voice yells. They look up at where the voice is coming from to see zambi and the rest of the Franky family. "Tell me! Tell me did you beat up those stupid straw Hats?!" zambi asks.

"No but I tried too. Sole angry mob showed up, got in the way then luffy took off." franky explains."HUH?" they all say in usion."Are those guys lucky or what?! When you're on a rampage nobody survives. That's weird I wonder why that guy with the long nose was fixing the ship on his own. I figured that you wrecked up the rest of the crew so bad that he was the only one left who could do anything!" zambi says.

"Wait! You found one of them?" Franky asks." y-yeah on their ship!" zambi responds. Franky starts to laugh."That's just fine cause all we need is one. In other words we use that loser as bait to lure out the rest of them!" he says.

"Wow you actually have a good plan for once." y/n says surprisied. "Alright you good for nothings! I want you to march through the town and spread the word for me! Say "we've got long nose and if you don't want him swimming with the fishes then come to the ware house under the bridge." tell them Franky sent ya!" he orders.

"In the mean time I'll nab long nose so we can make good on our little threat!" he says. The Franky Family cheers hearing Franky idea. "You got it bro! I swear we won't let you down! " they yell before heading on their way to spread the word.

Franky and y/n make their way over to where they their ship is. They arrive at the shore to see long nose fixing up the ship. The closer they get the more damage y/n notices on the ship. "You're wasting your time pal!" Franky says startling the guy.

"W-whos there?" he asks." Common you're kidding me right? Or did we beat you so bad you already forgot who I am? Pull it together mannn." Franky says teasingly."Oh no! Anybody but him! W-what do you want? Leave me alone you-" he tried to say before Franky cuts him off.

"Now now calm down. As long you play it cool I won't have to hurt ya! Even I'm not crazy enough to fight a guy in the middle of this storm. But if we don't want to sink it looks like I'll have to take that ship of yours hostage as well." he explains.

"What are you talking about?" long nose manages to get out."Welllll I got a score to settle with straw hat you see so I came here to kidnap ya!" Franky says before taking the guy and his ship back to his ware house.


After bringing long nose now know as ussop and this back to the ware house he explains he's not part fo the crew anymore and why.

After hearing ussops story Franky starts to cry. A lot. On y/n. "Why on earth are you crying about it?" ussop asks.

"CRYING? I'M NOT CRYING IDIOT! I was just thinking about everything you've been through to protect that ship all alone and it touched my heart! WAHHHHHHHHH!" he yells.

"YOU'RE A ADULT CRYING OVER SOMETHING LIKE THIS GET OFF ME!" Y/n yells trying to pry Franky off her."You get the jist of it right? We're not longer friends the straw Hats are part of my past now!" ussop trys to explain.

"It's so saddd..... So sad that I'll have to sing about it. This song is called "Severed friendship Northern Wind Chop!" Franky says pulling out a guitar from Somewhere....

"HEY ARE YOU MAKING FUN OF ME?!" Ussop yells. Y/n hits Franky on the head to bring him back to reality. "STOP CRYING DAMN IT! I'm gonna make some tea for us please behave till I return." she says.

Y/n goes into the next room to start making tea. She fills a kettle with water before putting in on the stove to get hot. After that she grabs 3 cups while waiting for the kettle to go off. "Ughhh is the tea ready yet?? I'm thirstyyyy!!!" Franky asks obviously bored.

Y/n sighs and shakes her head at his childishness. "It's almost done one second!" says before putting the tea bags in the cups and pouring the hot water in. (I've never made tea other then ice sweat tea)

Y/n brings the tray over to Franky and sets in on the table in front of him. "Here you go. It's hot so be careful." Franky wipes his face to try and hide the fact he was crying before grabbing a glass. "Thank you sooo much!" he puts his pinky out before bringing it towards his mouth. Probably the only class he has.

He tries to take a sip but spits it back in the cup making it splatter all over his face. "Wwwooosnksks it's hot!!" he yells. He falls back of the couch. "Ha oh really? That's crazy cause it's almost like I JUST TOLD YOU THAT DUMBASS!" y/n yells.

She fakes a breathe before looking at ussop."How about you take a break and have some tea?" she offers. He doesn't respond and turns back to the ship. "I can't blame ya. You must be holding quite a grudge against us. Ya know since we stole your 200 million berries and all. Especially since it lead to such a big fight with your captain." Franky says while standing up.

"OHHH IT ALL MAKES SENSE NOW!" Y/n says happy that she finally understands what the hell is happening."Whatever. What happens... Happens. No sense holding a grudge about it." he responds.

Y/n widens her eyes."Damn man. You're better then me. Cause me personally I wouldn't let that slide. You feel me?" she says."Taking the high rode. How manly. About that money.... I SPENT ALL OF IT!!!"
He says while doing another weird pose.

"I'm gonna knock you flat." ussop says. "Now now! Don't get so worked up! Especially since you showed me how dignified and forgiving you are. Come on brother can't we just be bros. I mean I haven't flipped out on you for destroying my home and demolishion factory have I? On top of that you guys annihilated my subordinates YOU BASTARD'S! HOW DARE YOU! I'LL KILL YOU!" he yells.

"Calm the hell down you can just switch up on him when he forgave you!" y/n says trying to hold Franky back. After getting Franky to calm down they sit on the couch while ussop keeps working on the ship.

"Yep! A lot has happened these past few days. But I do think we're better putting it all behind us. So what do you say we just out the axe in the ground and call it a day?" he asks."I think you mean bury the hatchet.. " y/n says trying not to laugh.

"Hm? Yeah. What she said..... So what's next? What will you do now that you're on your own? Doesn't seem like you got any where too go. Tell you what! Why don't you let me take care of ya?! Join the Franky family! You seem like a good man and-" Franky says before ussop cuts him off.

"You don't get it. I have no plans to become a ship dismantler. Even though I'm not a straw hat I'm steal a pirate!" he says. Franky starts to cry again pulling out his guitar."this is another song called" the pirate Code" he says.

"DON'T SING IT! AND I STILL THINK YOUR MAKING FUN OF ME!" ussop yells."Guess he's not in the mood for some toons." y/n says.

"Look I'm just concerned that's all. I'm thinking about you're future!" Franky explains."My future is non of your business! Besides their are other things you should be concerned with right now. Like that huge storm headed this way." ussop responds.

Franky fakes a sip of his now cooled tea."True but we're safe here. Aqua Laguna can be pretty devastating. When it hits we all have to pull together. Starting now until late into the night houses we be submerged up to the 2nd floor. If you're stuff in the back streets during that time you don't stand a chance. But this areas safe. Your ship will be safe too if you wanna leave it here." Franky says.

"Oh thank you very much. I really apprecia-" ussop tries to say before Franky cuts him off.
" Stop acting like strangers moron!" he yells. "I imagine it's tuff having to deal with this storm and the chaos it comes with every year." ussop says.

(Sorry for the weird cut off I accidentally wrote a chapter with 3000 words so I cut it so it would be two 1500 words Instead!)

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