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"Wait what? We just came here cause we heard the news about ice pops!" luffy explains."Wasn't enough to wreck my house and beat up my boys huh? Well what's wrong don't feel like a man unless your pounding the crap out of shipwrights too?? I knew that puberty can make you do some really crazy stuff but wow!" Franky says.

Y/n looks at Franky."I think it's just him. See im fine!" she says." I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT'S GOING ON! SO STOP MAKING FUN OF ME!" luffy yells. Y/n laughs at his outburst."I think you hit a weak spot their big bro." she says in between laughs.

Paulie cuts her off. "Play dumb all you like! I won't go easy on you! Rope action half knot!"A giant rope flies from Paulie's hands towards luffy. It wraps around his neck strangling him. He lifts the rope up into the air before slamming luffy on a stack of wood. "Air drive!" he screams.

"Damn it just go away! I told you shipwrights to stay out of this didn't I?! I'm the one who owes this guy a beating not you!" Franky yells.

The other shipwrights pull out their weapons an prepare to fight." W-what are you doing? I don't have and reason to fight you guys! Just hold on!" luffy says while trying to get up. One of the shipwrights fire his gun at luffy. The bullets don't go through him but instead shoot him back." WOAH WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT WHY DIDN'T THE BULLETS KILLEM!!!" Y/n yells.

The same guy kicks him in the jaw. "Hey stupid are you even listening? How many times do I have time tell you bozos?!...... For the last time straw hat in mine damn it!" he fires his bullets at them. Suddenly from behind kaku jumps into the air towards Franky."Sorry Franky but we don't have time for your shenanigans today!" he says.

"Get the hell out of my way you flying monkey!" Franky screams. He aims his arm at kaku." Your the one that's in the way" tilestone says. He grabs a log and hits Franky with it. Sending him flying. Kaku jumps up into the air after him and pushes him down towards the ground making him land face first. "Franky!" y/n yells. She runs to help him up.

Lucci attacks luffy sending flying punches. All luffy can do is block with the speed he is going. "Hey stop it!" he yells. Lucci hits him in the chest. Luffy gets up from the ground.
"Damn you guys are strong! But I still don't know why we're fighting!"he says. Lucci and Paulie start to walk towards luffy. "Straw hat. I think we're the ones that deserve an explanation here not you. Someone broke into ice bergs house last night. Shot him twice in the front and three times in the back before they left. They were from your crew!" Paulie says.

"No way! We didn't shoot ice pops thats just crazy!" luffy trys to explain."Listen kid. You might as well fess up." Paulie says."But I'm telling you. We didn't do it-" Paulie cuts luffy off. "Ice berg said it himself. Their we're two people that broke into his room an attacked him. He may of been hurt but that doesn't mean he didn't get a good look at them first. One if them was a big guy with a mask on. The other was a tall woman with black hair. Ice berg told us he recognized her and the government confirmed she was a member of your crew. Nico Robin.... " he explains.

"You're lying!" luffy says"I won't ask you why. Maybe your crew came to water 7 on a misson to kill iceberg or maybe you did really want your ship repaired and attacked him on a wim after we turned you down. I don't know what you pirates think and I don't care. Point is you tried to kill my boss and now I'm gonna have to take you down"
Paulie says.

(Fun fact did y'all know the same voice actor that does frankys dub voice also does bokutos from haikyuus voice. His name is Ethan he's a funny guy!)

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