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Trying new writing a bit. Better vocabulary I guess. It's just a small bit but it's was actually enjoyable to write and not as stressful trying to write! I'll be writing again soon! Just wanted to get a but done tonight. I have school so I can't do much tonight but tomorrow I will write more and post asap!
"Listen why don't you and y/n say together and me and franky will? Y'all have close up fighting styles while me and franky have far away so it will work best. You shouldn't stay by yourself just incase." SK explains to sanji.

Sanji sighs."Fine but it's not my fault if she gets hurt. I'm not here to baby sit." y/n glares at sanji."I haven't got hurt yet. I'll be fine thank you very much" she scoffs. Franky tips down his glasses to look at him"You better watch it. And she can handle her self. If she can take a bullet she can take on some nose noodles ok?" he says defending y/n.

"Ok fine! But remember. Our number one priority right now is to save robin." sanji snaps."That's impossible!" wanze starts. He grabs a bag of flour and starts to pour it into his mouth."I won't let you." he chokes out.

Wanze starts to chew and massage his cheeks again. Kneading the dough. "Is he gonna bring out the ramen noodles again? SK questions, getting ready for whatever he has in store for them. "Ramen beam!" wanze yells. Plugging one side of his nose and shooting noodles out of the other towards the three of them.

They quickly duck and take cover. "Those are sharp!" franky shrieks. Wanze continues to fire at them before sanji runs toward him. Sanji swings his leg in a attempt to kick him. "Cut it out!"

Wanze dodges and looks up at the four of them. "Let's head over to the roof" franky exclaims openings the door to leave with SK. Leaving sanji, y/n to fight wanze.

"We'll leave it to y'all then! Best of luck!" SK says making his way out the door."Go go go go go go! They're gone gone gone gone gone! But I suppose that's no big deal! Cause the person waiting in the next car is one tough customer! Nero! He the lastest member of CP9! Those two are dead meat! If their's one thing Nero loves to do that's kill! Go go go go go!" wanze explains

"Flanchet..... Shoot!" sanji yells once again trying to kick him. Just like before wanze dodges. Y/n sighs, shaking her head "Listen. I don't mean to be rude. But this is the third time he has dodge your kicks. You should try something different!"

Sanji grits his teeth."Well I don't see you doing anything!" the two of them continue to go at it. Sanji trying to land a hit at wanze hops around the room. "This will take forever if you keep dodging me like that. I told you I'm in a hurry here!" sanji shouts.

"Ok fine! Ramen kenpo noodle slicer!" wanze yells rolling this roller skates against the floor creating fire. "Let's see how you like this! Fire skate blade!"

Wanze charges at sanji to attack him. Giving him the chance to finally land some hits. Wanze lands on the counter shattering the plates and glasses on the shelf from the impact.

He let's out a cry finally realizing what happened and truly feeling the pain from his kick. "Wahhhhhh! Not only did you disrespect my beautiful attack! You dodged and kicked me 10 times!"

"Actually it was 12 times." y/n corrects him.
"Hey you! Are you secretly super strong or something?!" wanze questions. "It's not really a secret maybe you're just super weak..." sanji scoffs.

Wanze slams his hand on the counter. "Super weak?! Not even my old man would say something like that to me! How dare you! I won't let you get away with this! Besides! I was simply distracted by your swirling eye brows! They made me dizzy! That's why I fell for your attacks! So what if you're a good fighter you still look weird!" he exclaims.


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