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Omgggg I'm writing again 😨😨😨😨 a whole 1155 words!

Y/n laughs "I think we can agree neither of y'all are normal looking!" she giggles.

Wanze kicks open a cabinet and grabs another bag of flour. "After that failed attack I feel I need to prove myself! So I'm gonna show you something amazing! This is why I was chosen to escort those criminals!" he yells, pouring the flour into his mouth.

He pulls ramen from his nose and starts slamming it on the floor. "Ramen kenpo secret technique! Ramen kenpo secret technique! Knead the dough! Roll the dough knead the dough roll the dough!" he shouts.

Sanji and y/n look at him with disgust."What the hell is all of that?" he questions. Noodles start to surround wanze. Turning into a armor like suit. "It's my incredible edible combat uniform!" he yelled.

Y/n turns to the wall and hunches over, bursting out laughing. "BWAHAHAHAHAA WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT MAN AHHHAHAHAH!!" she exclaims. Wanze frowns seeing her laugh at him. "Go go go! The secret to this technique is controlling the noodles at will!" he screams, slamming the arms of the suit on the ground.

Sanji scoffs. "Bastard! How dare you disgrace food like that you weirdo!" he snaps."My speed, my power, and my special abilities! I'm on a different level in all those areas!" he laughs"If showing you isn't enough I'm gonna beat it into you! Go!!"

Sanji puts his hands in his pocket and clenches his teeth. "Just shut up and get on with it... But prepare yourself cause I'm gonna make you eat every one of those noodles... " he scoffs.

Y/n raises up and fixes her mask."You're a funny guy wanze but we don't have the time for this right now. Like sanji said if you're gonna do something do it. We don't got all day."

He ignores them and continues to spout nonsense.  "I'd like to welcome you to the world of ramen kenpo!" he says. Sanji stares at him no very pleased. "That's the lamest power up ever" he sighs. Y/n nods.

"Go go go! Here I come! Ramen kenpo Pork Bone Spank attack!" wanze yells, slamming one of the arms down. Attempting to hit sanji but missing as he dodges. "That's the same lame attack from earlier only bigger." he says, not impressed. Wanze brings his arm up. "Go go go! Have another!" he shouts.

Instead of dodging the attack sanji trys to counter it by kicking but his foot gets stuck. "What- What the hell!" he panics. Y/n watches as wanze picks him up and flings him around. She shakes her head. "Hey I know you said you wanted to deal with him but how about I cut the noodles off him then you kick his ass? I think that's fair!" she's yells.

No matter how hard he tries he can't wiggle out of his grip. "Fine! Make it quick!" he shouts. She smirks and gets into position."Rock rock harden level 2!"

She charges at the man and starts slicing away at the thick armor of noodles. Within seconds wanzes armor is torn into shreds. He's left on his knees in front of them. "Hurry up and kick him or whatever so we can get moving!" y/n shouts.

Before he could try another attack sanji kicks him "Three spot Découpage!" he yells, kicking the breath out of him and sending him flying through the door. Then the next cart door. Leaving him to be seen by CP9.

Sanji and y/n begin to walk towards the cart CP9 is in. When entering the next cart the roof crashes and down comes Franky with an enemy. Smoke starts to fill the room. "Perfect timing!" y/n laughs.

CP9 begins to stand up and look at them. "Wow... Some entrance. What the hell have you been doing?" sanji asks raising a eyebrow. "WOOOOW! Well as per usual I've been kicking ass and what about yall?" he smirks."Kicking ass!" y/n says trying not to laugh.

Franky kicks the body into the next cart. They look up to see CP9 already looking at them. "So it's you? You're the bastards that kidnapped robin..." sanji grumbles.

"Be careful! They use some pretty weird moves!" Franky says, while stretching. The three of them watch as lucci kicks wanze to side and kills off the one Franky was fighting. "These are the agents of justice?" sanjis asks. "Can't tell which sides evil huh?" Franky mumbles, still stretching.

Lucci starts walking towards the three of them. "I suppose their's no reason to ask what you're doing on this train. Judging by the way you opened that door I can tell the kind of impatient people we're dealing with." he exclaims.

"Yeah... Guess you'll have to excuse my manners."sanji says. Y/n squints her eyes at him. "You shouldn't be calling us impatient when you just killed one of your own men. He would of been fine if took to a hospital. Sounds like a hypocrite to me." she scoffs, crossing her arms.

Lucci ignores her and continues."If you came for Nico Robin.... You made a mistake." he starts.

"Listen her problem is one that is beyond your comprehension. You see their are so people in the world who are just born under a bad side. People who are better off dead for the sake of everyone else... " he says.

"What the hell are you talking about?" sanji questions, clenching his teeth. Lucci continues to stare at them coldly."For example... Suppose their exists a sleeping devil. One that's capable of burning the entire world to the ground. And what is someone could wake that devil? Even if that someone is a 8 year old girl.... Don't you think for the life's of every other being on this planet that, that girl should be put the death?" he explains.

"Stop rambling and get to the point." sanji sneers, not amused. "What I just told you is the true story of Nico Robin. Her very existence has been nothing but a sin. The only good she could do for this world is forfit her life and disappear forever. She has no choice but to except her fate and die." lucci exclaims.

Sanji looks at the ground, clenching his teeth. "honestly she should of died 20 year's ago. We're merely correcting a wrong from the past. It will be better for everyone else when this is over and she's dead." he continues.

Sanji cuts him off..."Hey.... Thats enough you bastard!" he yells running for lucci and kicking him. Only for lucci to block it with his arm. "The government is gonna keep her alive for year's. Torturing ever word out of her. Till theirs nothing left to tell-" lucci starts but is cut off by sanji.

"I'm not gonna let that happen!" he yells.

Teen/Child Reader x One Piece On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara