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Hi everyone! I'm back! I've been so busy and still am:(. I apologize! But I'm back now and excited to write. It's currently 10:20 pm which is when i usually write and I'm gonna try and get some stuff written. Thank you all for being patient 🙏.

Theirs a fight in this containing y/n. I'm still working on how to write fights. Not the best at!
Keep in mind y/n at the current moment has her mask on (its shown on the "what she's wearing" chapter if you forgot.) and her gloves are off in her pocket.

"You're that spanda guy aren't you?!" Franky asks. "SPANDAM! YOU'RE FORGETING THE M! SPANDAM! Sigh* But I'll have plenty of time to drill that in your head once you arrive at enies lobby. Make it quick men. I'm simply dying to teach that criminal a lesson!" Spandam says."Tie him up." lucci demands.

They start to tie up Franky."Hey you stop that!" y/n yells running towards lucci."Rock Rock harden! Level three!"y/n says. Y/n stabs at lucci but he dodges moving to the side. "Ah yes I remember you have devil fruit powers too. To bad you're a weak kid. If you were older and stronger you might actually be worth to fight." lucci says.

Y/n grits her teeth. "Stop underestimating me!" she yells punching continuously at lucci as he dodges with ease. Y/n picks up on his pattern of dodges and changes up her punch to catch him off guard slicing his arm a bit. Lucci jumps back. "Got your ass!" y/n says proudly.

"A small single scratch isn't something to be proud of. If you think like that then this fight is already settled." lucci responds."Yeah sure. Whatever you say tweety bird... " y/n says. Lucci runs towards y/n this time.

"I don't have time for your childish games." he grumbles. Y/n tries to dodge but it's to late. Lucci punches y/n in the face making her fall to the ground."kalifa tie her up too." he says.

Y/ns releases her powers not being able to hold it in such pain. Kalifa uses her rope to tie up y/n and puts her beside Franky. "Damn it...." y/n whispers.

"Hey don't I know you? Your one of the straw hats aren't you? That means you're a pirate. You're coming with us!" kaku says taking ussop down in seconds. "And for this ship..." he says. Kaku pulls the lever to the door allowing the ship to fall out. "Merry!!!" ussop yells.


CP9 takes y/n, Franky, and ussop to the sea train that will take them to enies lobby.

Blueo carries all three of them on his shoulder. "PUT ME DOWN YOU BASTARD! IM GOING TO SLICE YOU INTO PIECES YOU HEAR ME? JUST WAIT TILL I GET OUT OF THIS! JUST YOU WAIT!" Y/n yells at blueno.

(Ik what your thinking can't y/n just use level 4 to get out. No no she can't cause she doesn't know theirs a level 4 but she will very soon. Level 4 is basically the one that makes her whole body including her face and hair VERY VERY sharp. More then normal. She will literally look like a monster 😝)

They board the train putting the three of them in a cart with a bunch of boxes. "Great! Now what do we do?!" Franky asks.


After about 30 minutes they start to hear a bunch of noise in the cart beside them. "What the hell is that?" y/n asks. Suddenly a man in a suit with blonde hair walks in. "Huh?! Sanji?!" ussop says surprised.

(I'm skipping the twins in the cart cause the same shit happens to them that happened to the other. And I'm lazy and wanna get to the good part)

"Wait you didn't high jack the train just to save me did you?!" ussop yells. Sanji takes out a cigarette and lights it."I don't even know what you're doing here. Also what's your name again I don't think we've actually met have we?" sanji asks.

Teen/Child Reader x One Piece Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin