The hooded man (Evangelia)

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"AGAIN" is all he yelled. We have been practicing for six hours and my coach is still not happy with our progress. The Olympics take place in three months and we're done with the routine, coach Harrison wants to spend at least five hours, six days a week to perfect. But what he actually means is we are practicing until you can't skate and then practice some more.

But here i am doing it again and again and again for the next two hour. When i got off the ice i felt relief and it broke my heart. I can't remember the last time i liked it, figure skating was my life it is my life But it's not the same anymore. Yet I can't imagine not going on the ice every day.

My life is simple i live in a loft in Ottawa with my dog Sasha, she is a Doberman and i love her with my life. other than that no real friends, i know that sounds sad but i like being alone. I do spend some time with my teammates but i don't really call them friends. My family situation is interesting lets leave it at that. 

My car was waiting outside for me, i drive a beautiful black Audi R8 with tinted windows. Sasha is left at my neighbor Carl's home. He's an older man who loves Sasha and likes the company. So i pick her up and get the most heart whelming hello from my little princess, shes not so little anymore but she will always be my little princess. I get home and quickly change before taking Sasha on a long walk. 


Sasha was adopted from a dog shelter so she has been trough a lot before i got her. So when we pass the hockey stadium she starts lightly shaking. we quickly walk away and into the woods. walking got me thinking about my life a little, specifically my love life. Which is very non existing but it would be nice having someone, but i'm a loner always been and always will be.

i always wanted that you know loving family with two kids a loving husband and our dogs, in a big dark house in the woods. Or a love like Aladdin and Jasmine i know they had a rocky start and he did lie to her, but don't all men? what i mean is their love being so strong that she changed the law of her country to be able to marry the man that she loved. But like i said all men lie.

Me and Sasha walk our way home after our walk, my phone died a while ago so i couldn't check the time. I figured the hockey game was over so i took the short cut walking straight by it. Sasha started barking at a tall dark figure in the stadium parking lot, she is a protector especially of me. I tell her to sit and be quit so she does, but her eyes are glued to the figure as it moves towards us.

"does she bite?" the figure says,

"depends" i answer

"on what exactly?"

"your intentions" he lets out a lite laugh

" i promise i come with peace, no harm intended" i continue giving him a stern look, i loosen the leash and tell her "go ahead" she walks up and investigate the person.

"you have trained it well i see, i'm johnny by the way sorry if i scared you" he reaches out his hand to shake mine But i don't move.

"her, Sasha not it. And yes she is more than well behaved" i say with a straight face still not shaking his hand. I don't trust anyone neither does Sasha, she is still hesitant towards johnny. He is slowly lowering back his hand.

"Hmmm bet she is, sit" johnny tells Sasha and points his finger, and again "sit" she doesn't budge. This time i'm the one letting out a small laugh.

"she doesn't listen to men, i taught her that" i told him with a little smirk.

"ahh i see, not a people person" johnny says and putting an awkward face on. I just stare at him and then say "Sasha lets go home"

"hey before you go, don't you wanna go out with me or something?" i just look at him before saying "or something?" he got nervous ans started stuttering a bit"like i meant you know your beautiful and stuff if you would want to go out with me" then i hear a guy screaming from the other side of the parking lot "johnny what is taking you so long, hurry up" johnny looked even more nervous and yelled back "Noah i'm trying to ask this gorgeous girl out and you are ruining it!"

"me and Sasha should really get home, it sounds like you should too" i tell him, he looks a bit disappointed and then said "yeah sorry shouldn't have bother you" johnny knelt down to Sasha and she responded with a growl as we left. 

when we get home i put my phone in the charger and take a quick shower. After the shower i take a look at myself in the mirror. Seeing my bruises and scars, i look so tired after a couple of seconds my anxiety starts to kick in. I hate too look at my self especially my body. Coach Harrison is very particular on how you should look to be deserving of Olympic gold, and i am not it. Not to him and not to me.

walking out into my kitchen i just take a glass of water and fills up Sasha's water. I sit down on my kitchen floors and Sasha comes and lays her head on my legs. I scratch her back as i just breath. thinking back to the strange man johnny that i met. it's been a long time since i went on a date or had a boyfriend. I've never really had a boyfriend, i grew up in a small town there weren't many options. That was never really something i wanted all i wanted was this that i have now, but now i'm not really sure of what i want.

when finally picking up my phone i realized that it was 3:00 AM "shit" i say knowing i have to be up in three hours for morning practice i get up and call Sasha to bed and  quickly doze of. An hour later i wake up crying and panting, Sasha comforts me as i calm down. Nightmares been with me since i was 15 and i'm so tired of it. i see it every night, the fire and i hear the screams as my whole body shivers. We both get to sleep again.


i wake up to a message that practice is cancelled, i have a shocked face practice is never cancelled. then after continuing to read the message... the hockey players. always, i should've known. They apparently also had early practice and they didn't have time to fix the ice after. Well i guess i have a day to spare.

Shopping is my sport, well after figure skating so i call up my sales associates from different brands and check whats new and what from my wish lists that are in store. I call up the one person i love to shop with my teammate Nick a person i maybe actually can call a friend. I told him that i would pick him up in two hours and he replied with "how am i supposed to get ready in two hours, but fine you better make it up to me with some new designer bag" i laugh at the text and go to get ready.

I start doing my makeup and straighten my hair. Then on for outfit time, i love outfit time. I decide on a long dress, black, long sleeved. Then i put on gold hoops, gold necklace and my basic gold Cartier bracelet along with my black and gold Hermès clic H. Then onto my YSL opyum sandal heels and last but not least my black Dior saddle bag with gold hardware. Leaving Sasha with Carl and walking to my car to pick up nick. I'm so excited!

authors note:
hiii! this was my first chapter i hope its okay... i loved writing this and i hope you love reading it:)
word count: 1404

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