"Not a big deal" (Noah+ Evangelia (SA TW)

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One minute I'm just enjoying the peaceful life out here the next they're screaming at each other. And no one wants to let me in on the topic. All I gathered is that Lia asked Isla a question now Isla wonders who did something to Lia for her to ask. At least that what I think I heard.

Lia walks away from Isla so I take the chance....

"What is going on?" I ask her

"It's not for me to tell you!" She answers clearly disturbed by the topic.

"How bad is it" she just stares at me with the same Lia have from time to time.... It's bad

"It's not a light subject, but she seems to be fine! From my perspective you will be more disturbed than she will." She tells me with a sigh and walk away too.

What the fuck, she can't just tell me all that than not tell me what it is! I mean if it is bad Lia won't tell me. No way in hell! She either wouldn't want me to be bothered with it, or she would act like it isn't a big deal just ti comfort me. But this is beyond me and my feelings I can feel it.

I figure that I at least give her a couple minutes to just breathe and compose herself. In the meantime I'll just clean up the kitchen so she won't have to.

I knock on her door waiting for an answer.

"Isla if your coming to apologize please do-" I interrupt her

"It's not Isla, it's me" she opens the door, quickly turning away from me.

"Do you want to tell me what's going on please?" She finally looks at me and my heart breaks... she looks so sad, so betrayed.

I can't tell him, can I?
What if he gets mad! About what, what is there to be mad about. But still, I was stupid enough to let myself be manipulated by some guy! I should know better, I really should! How come the few times I decide to trust people and give in to them, they fuck me over!

It's always like that! You give a piece of yourself and they just drag all of you down. He's looking at me expecting an answer...

"I uhh it's not a big deal..." I could even hear the lie I can't lie about such stupid things cause i never lie. And the few times I do peoples lives or stuff like that are at stake. So the I have to be good at it!

"It sounded like it was a pretty big deal. I don't want to pressure you but you sounded very upset!" He look at me genuinely concerned. Maybe he is.

"I just asked her a question and it was a stupid question I just eh yeah you saw and heard what happened."

"Lia she haven't told me what happened she said it's not something she can say. That means it's either really bad, or something you have to be embarrassed about. And either way I'll be there and I won't judge you!" He reassured me.

"It's just something about an ex and it just seems rude to speak about it with you!" That was actually a decent lie, I just don't want to lie to him...

"It's not rude, If it caused that much disturbance maybe it's good that we talk about it! Talking is key for this to work you know." He say with a small smile in the end.

"Well un it's just we got in on the subject of yesterday, and no you did nothing wrong! I promise you that much" I could see the stress on his face when he thought he did something wrong or bad. Jesus I should have thought out what to say before I did...

"And I just you know started reflecting a bit. Until I remembered Zach my first everything... and I started you know just reminiscing" I add and start to get nervous, because the hard part is starting to slowly creep in.

He just sat down next to me and nods, to reassure me that he is listening.

"And I just got into thinking about consent and all that" he's starting to gather what I'm about to say, his face says it all...

"So I just asked if you as partners always you know had to ask for consent..."

"Well of course it's the law, you know to protect both people even in a relationship..." he put in

"Yeah well I wasn't really sure because I had been told different...." He stares blankly

"By?" He asked, there it was the question I knew was coming but I didn't want it to.

"Zach... he always used to say that when you're in a relationship you have certain obligations... like.." the anger in his eyes is scary, shit is he mad at me?

"Like having sex?!?" He asked

"Well yea" I say in a very low tone.

I look at him

He looks at me

I'm gonna murder him, I'm actually going to do it! What the fuck! What the fucking fuck!

"Even when you didn't want to?" I had to ask I have to know even tho I think I already do.

"He kind of never asked just expected it.... But I mean it sounds worse than it is okay! I don't think he meant any harm." Fuck I can't blame her for trying to protect him, he manipulated her! But fuck no it's not fucking okay!

"Evangelia you do understand that this is ra-" I couldn't Finnish the sentence before she started talking

"No Noah it's, no! Okay it's fine it's nothing forget I said anything okay!" Is she fucking joking! She just told me her ex boyfriend raped her during their whole relationship and she wants me to just 'forget about it'!

"Lia stop you can't just deny the fact here! I can't even imagine how hard it must be to comprehend but you can't protect him!" She knows what it is, is she ashamed? Is that why she wouldn't tell me?

"There's nothing to be ashamed of he's a fucking rapist and a manipulator who deserves nothing but hell! Lia please do not believe anything he's ever told you!" I tell her panicking over the fact that she do believe him!

"How long did he force you?" I ask, was it wrong to ask so much? I don't know!

"The whole relationship" her first sex, her first everything wasn't sex it was rape and assault! I will go to jail if I have to because I will fuck him up!

"Lia I'm so so so sorry!" I just take her in a big hug and she starts alto sob a little. Fuck it breaks me to hear her be so sad!

"I'm sorry Noah I didn't know... I feel so disgusting... I'm sorry!"

"You have nothing to be sorry for! He's the fucking rapist, he's the one who did wrong! You my Angel is furthest away from the disgusting there is. Your beautiful and amazing. And you deserve so much more SO much more!"

Authors note:
Sorry I haven't uploaded today I've been really sick and had the worst migraines in the world. I hope this is fine! Hopefully I'll upload lots of chapters tomorrow!

Word count: 1234

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