"Good job officer"

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Islas weakest point right now is everything! She really didn't listen to a word I said about leadership. Not to be a bitch but they don't respect her. Not weird given the fact that they have no idea what she is capable of! I told her to make an example of herself there and show them why not to fuck with her. Did she listen? No!

Am I gaining because of that? Fuck yea!

In the middle of it all Adonis text me.

Adonis: have you eaten yet?

Me: Noah stop fucking texting me from his phone! He's only supposed to text or call if your lives are in fucking danger!

Adonis/Noah: we'll your life is in danger if you don't fucking eat so do that!

Me: how are you texting from his phone?

Adonis/Noah: he's in the shower

me: he will kill you:)

And then I just stop answering. Adonis will literally strangle him to death! He doesn't like when you touch his phone! He's protective over it for some stupid reason.

He's really trying, but he did that when we first met too I don't really know what to do?!? Trusting him and then being stabbed will just make me look like a fucking fool.

I can't let him throw me off during this meeting, this is far to important to let him interfere.
7,5 hours was that fucking meeting and where are we? NOWHERE! it's killing me. We have basically no plan that will ensure their death. The only way is for me too just shoot them personally. No sniper, no explosions, just me and a hand gun.

The old fashioned way I guess. I head down to the practice room, where I'm met with Adonis.

"Why aren't you with Noah?" I ask with a stern voice

"Because he's upstairs in your office and there's already four guards outside."

"Well then, why are you here?"

"Because he's fucking annoying and won't shut up about making sure you're okay" oh....

"Did you know the little prick used my phone? The audacity!" He doesn't know he texted me hehehe I'm safe.

"What really? I had noooooo idea" I say with a smile for him to realize. We just laugh a little.

"He cares you know, he's a dick but he really cares."

"I know" he just nod at my answer.

He then gathers his things to get up and take a shower.

This building is 6 floors. The dungeons used for torture and all that fun. Then we have training compound. Then ground floor with mostly just a reception and yeah that's it. Then there's the meeting floor. All meeting rooms are on the same floor to prevent anyone from being bothered during a meeting. Then all the offices on the 5th floor. Well all except mine. My office is on the 6th. Yes I have a whole floor for myself. There's too meeting rooms here, my assistant and usually 4-6 guards. So I'm not really ever alone up here.

Sometimes I see all that I've accomplished and I'm really proud. I did this! Despite everything and all the odds being against me, I made something of myself. Well I'm a cold blooded killer but I mean I'm a billionaire and an Olympic champion too.

I miss the ice, I really fucking miss the ice. But at the same time I can't see myself ever being on it again. I don't know why, but the whole purpose of me being on the ice was that one gold medal. And now that I have it... there's no purpose anymore...

Third person on Islas compound:
"So when will the down fall for the Albanian and Irish be?" David asks isla

"Two weeks from now. I need something to distract Angie with until then" Isla say back

"Well I can handle that" he tells her.

He walk outside the room and then quickly enters his office.
He picks up a burner phone and dial the only number on it.

"Captain the mission is going well, she's planning the attack in 2 weeks. There will be collateral damage that we can charge her with."

"Good work officer, keep me updated"

"Yes sir".

And the call ended.

Noah: she's been gone forever, I made Adonis go and buy burgers for the three of us. I'm super excited to be here, in her office. Without her hating me to the point of killing me.

I mean I still have a small chance here. That's always something! The door opens and she sits down.

"Noah what are you doing here? Don't you have a life?"

"Yes... you" I see her eyes burning into mine, her gorgeous eyes. The tension is so high and the both of us are fighting for life not too give in.

"Soooo this is awkward" fucking Adonis had to disrupt the whole thing.

"No, you should take him back to the hotel" she tells him.

"No I brought food, we're eating and then I will drive him back!" Did he just give her an order... that doesn't sound great!

"Fine" EXCUSE ME WHAT? She let him continue too live... who the fuck is this guy?

She takes her food and starts to eat like two bites before getting back to work on her computer. I glance over to Adonis and he just shrugs his shoulders.

"So what are you working on?" She looks up to stare at me.

"Can't tell you that" And then right back down at the computer

"Cool cool cool"

"Angie il ragazzo sta provando" he tell her In Something that sounds like Italian I think...
Translate: Angie the guy is trying

"devo farlo ora che!"
Translate: I have to do this you know that!

"Angie, per favore, parlagli"
Translate: angie please just talk to him

"bene 15 minuti, poi devo tornare al lavoro"
Translate: fine 15 minutes, then I need to get back to work.

"Bene" is all
Translate: good

I did not understand any of that but okay...

"So Noah tell me" she says while looking at me.

"Tell you what?" I answer

"Anything" I glance over at Adonis, suddenly understanding what that conversation was about.

I find myself asking again who he is? And how the hell can he make her just listen to what he says?

Authors note:
Hello my darlings! This chapter is filled with exiting things! Hope you liked it!

Word count: 1074

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