Take a walk

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"So what you think you're the only person who can decide this?" He slightly raises his voice

"I am the one making the sacrifice here, I'm not saying your opinion is invalid. All I'm saying is that I can't do this!" I'm trying to not get angry with him back. But him not even taking a second to think about what this would mean for me!

"I gave up hockey for you! And you can't even think about giving up ice skating for not only me but our family"

"I DIDN'T ASK YOU TOO! I never asked you to do that, I never made you give it up! And you already have it back, you can get it back in a matter of seconds. I can't! I can never get it back, I will never be able too be in the shape for it or have the time for it. Noah this is so unfair of you, you can't make me have a child, especially when you're acting like one"

I don't know what too feel this is all too much, it's not what I wanted or what I expected. I at least expected him to understand me. He can't even take two seconds to change perspective.

"I'm not acting like a fucking child Evangelia! I'm trying to fucking tell you that I want this! This is all I want!"

"You would rather make me have a child than be happy?"

"That's not what I meant!"

"But it's what you're saying Noah" I exhale a deep breath

"I want a family with you, I want a future with you. And we've been given the possibility of that but you're just throwing it away Lia. I love you"

"I know that, I know you do. But how is this supposed to go without me giving up on my dream? You're going to play hockey and what I'm supposed to give it all up for a child. This is not the 1950's Noah"

"You already have it up Evangelia, you quit a long time ago. How do you even know your in shape for it now?"

"Excuse me?" That was it for me, he's questioning my ability's and motivation. He's trying to gaslight me into believing I can't do this.

"Noah, I think you should take a fucking walk, you're gaslighting me and I'm not having it. Your not that type of person and I don't want you too become it. Don't say another word, get out of my face for the next two hours and think about what the fuck has gotten into you!"

He tries too open his mouth but closes it directly and just walk out the door. This is not what I wanted. I couldn't just not tell him, even if I know that I'm not having this baby. I still listen and understand that this is what he wants. But in figure skating we retire early, I'll be able too go three years maximum.

We still have time for a family, I'm 21 years old I have a lot of things I want too do! I understand that he's older than me and a family man. But if he needs it right now, then it's not gonna be with me.

I call Elijah too talk to him regarding David. I don't know if I'm stressing this or if he's really shady.

"Hey, so we need to talk"

"I'm in a meeting" is all he says

"He doesn't exist"

"I'm in a meeting I don't hav stone for your delusional crap"

"David does not exist, there's nothing on him. Not a place of birth, not a school, not a criminal record nothing" there's a pause.

"He said he just got out of jail"

"Yes, yes he did, unless he got his records cleaned by snitching he's a cop. Either way a snitch" a loud exhale escaped my mouth after saying it.

"I'll get on it"

"No! We will get on it"


"Yea I need this, I need to know" then I hand up before he gets the chance to say anything else. I think he wants too kill me. Right now I'd honestly let him. Joke...
That was a joke!

This day has been a fucking shot show, I've been Wedding ring hunting with Noah, than gotten a fucking pregnancy test for Angie. It's like their future is already happening.

She texted me to say it went bad. That they started yelling and all that. Am I surprised? Not a bit.

They want different things, that's fine. But for most parts I agree with Angie. It doesn't get in the way of his life in the same way, I think that yea he has his right to express his opinion. But unless he's carrying that baby he can't really make her do anything.

I'm looking over my overseas position that I'm taking. I still don't know why, I just like the thought of being close too Isla. I will always have live for her, you never get over your first love. Well she seems to be pretty over me so, I might have to take that back.

I know this will be the literal death of me, but it's worth it! Love is worth all pain, because love is pain.

But this position is also important. Our business in Italy is big, the biggest after France. It's a lot of money and a lot of responsibility. Taking this job is actually a bit fucking scary.

If this goes south than she would actually kill me, yea even me. That would loose us billions of dollars. Maybe our whole business. Because there's no way to cover up to the feds if that much money went sideways. The feds have been up our asses for years now and they almost got us last year. But Angie covered it nicely, with a mole she has.

I leave the house and drive out too the woods for a bit. I've waited 10 minutes he seems to be late.

"Hey, sorry I'm late traffic was crazy"

"You can't ducking be late, I have shot too do. Why did you need too see me"

"Don't forget I'm your boss Agent"

This part was stuffed with different goodies.
Hope you enjoyed it:)

Word count: 1057

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