Starting over

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A/N: ps! Read the authors note in the end it's a really important message!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you now enjoy reading:)

I might be sneaking into his room. I'm a paranoid person I need to just see him. As I enter I see him asleep. Well not weird it's 2am right now... I sit down on the chair and take his hand. I just sit back and watch making sure he's breathing.

"Come here Angel" he says patting next to him on the bed.

"I'm sorry I woke you up!"

"Don't be! Now come here and we'll sleep." And I do just that.

I lay next to him in the hospital. I lay my head on his chest like he told me to. God laying in his arms feels just right, it feels just like home! A feeling I've missed for the past two years.

"You know even if you don't believe me I never stopped loving you... two years and I could never stop loving you"

"I know Noah... it would just be easier if you didn't..."

"I know but how could I ever stop? Did you? Stop loving me I mean"

"Noah I-" I paused "no, I woke up every day begging to not spend the entire day worrying and wondering what you did and if you were alright"

"Do you still love me? Right now I mean" he asks

My heart skipped a beat.


I could feel his heart race.

"Would you ever consider giving me a second chance?"

"I already gave you a second chance"

"Okay well a third then?"

Now my heart started racing.

"It's way more complicated than that Noah! I might still love you, that doesn't mean I can trust you..."

"Well I hope you feel that you can one day.Now let's sleep I heard you haven't slept since The shooting."
I didn't sleep much, once I did fall asleep I woke up 20 minutes Later scared that his heart had stopped or that me laying on him would break his ribs or something. Three nurses have walked in to check IV's and stuff.

I can't let him go now... I can't just let him go forever. Not after this, things like this always stir up your feelings. Well I never stopped loving him and I knew that. Love was never the problem it was trust.

"What's going on in that beautiful head of yours?" he asks

"Good morning to you too" I say looking up at him with a smile on my face.

"Good morning Angel. What are you thinking about?" I sigh

"Just life" I can feel him tensing, he knows I'm lying.

"Talk to me please" is what he answers me.

"I just, I will not be able to ever leave you alone. I mean we haven't really talked in a while and I'm still mad but I feel like I can't be now. You almost died and I can't be mad because one of us could die literally whenever and I can't let that happen while we are apart from each other." By now I'm sitting next to him just rambling. Nice I stopped I could see a smile on his face.

"So you're saying that you'll give me a chance?"

"I'm saying I'm not letting you die. Not myself either. I just I can't explain really what I'm trying to say. But I think what I'm saying is ' I'm not letting you go that does not mean I trust you, I'm not giving you a third chance because I don't do more than one chance for normal people and you already got two. But I'm saying that we can... we can start over. That's not giving you a chance, that is me getting to know a friend and let what happens happen!"

"A new start huh" he doesn't stop smiling! He's so happy about that. "Well hello my name is Noah Andersson-" I cut him off

"You don't have to introduce yourself as if I don't know you. More like this is a time where we do this right! We will be friends and we will be honest. That includes me opening up about it all! And then if we end up living in a farmhouse with cows and chickens than we will do that" he smiles even bigger once I brought up the farm house. God that smile is going to be the death of me!

"Sounds like a plan. Where is my mom and Mia?"

"I checked them into a hotel where they have been sleeping the past few days" he stares into my eyes

"You did that for them?"

"Well yes I couldn't let them sleep in the waiting room now could I!" I lay back in his chest.

We just lay there for a while just embracing being in each other's arms. Feeling him breath is the calmest I've been the past few days! And calm is what I need.

Lia had to make a phone call to Adonis to check up on him. And my mother and Mia are in the hospital room with me.

"Hon har varit här varje dag Noah. Sovit här. Dem få timmar hon inte suttit i väntrummet har hon hört av sig varje halvtimme för att checka in. Vad som än hänt mellan er så älskar hon dig fortfarande!" My mother tell me

[Translate: she's been here everyday Noah! Sleeping here. The few hours a day she hasn't been here she's called for an update every 30 minutes. Whatever happened between the two of you she still loves you]

"Har hon sovit här varje natt?" I ask

[translate: has she slept here every night?]


Maybe there is hope. I mean yes i fucked up big fucking time! But I think that I can make this right. Only if she lets me, I can't ask her for that. I don't have the right to ask her for anything after the past two years. But I need her to let me make this right. I hope she does let me, because I need her.

My mom doesn't want me back. Well that sounded harsher than it was meant to be. She thinks I should stay and make things right. She thinks the shooting was just a drive by gone wrong. And she thinks I will be safe since Evangelia has the best security company in the world.

She's not wrong, I'm probably much safer in her hands. And that is the only place I want to be right now. So it goes hand in hand.

So what do you all my dearest loves think of the book so far. I mean I'm not making a book with 200 chapters so... soon I'll decide on the ending. I stand between two and I can't decide so I ask yiu guys to pick a number either 1 or 2? And I won't tell you what the endings are. But I'm that way you guys get too choose

1 or 2?

It's up to y'all my loves!

Please vote and comment to. It's been really slow lately so every vote really does make a difference.

Word count: 1200

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