A mystery

523 11 4

"So I'm moving tomorrow, you kind off have too decide if you are going with us?" I ask Adonis.

I want him to come, but I know he loves traveling and he wants to explore places. And his happiness is the most important to me.

"I...... I want to work, but I need something fresh you know?"

"I do, I understand that. I do have one position I can give you, you'd be stationed in Italy" I say smiling.

"Oh, what would that be?" He sounded a bit disappointed.

"I need someone to be my advocate in Islas business and also every shipment and delivery going through the country. So meetings and bossing people around"

"That's the only overseas position you have?" He's not happy?


"Yeah I'll, I'll take it."

I don't t understand....
But I won't force anything, if he says he'll take it then he will. He leaves the file I asked for on my table before walking out.

Let's dig into David.

-He's 27 years old

That's all.

There is nothing more.



What the actual fuck!

I call Adonis

"Did you even research him?"

"Yes, there is nothing else"

"What do you mean nothing else? Where did he go to school, a job he's had? Family?"

"That's all there is, Angie he doesn't exist before this year. There is nothing in him. David have only existed a couple of months."

"So... he's a cop?" He sighs

"I don't know... is he really smart enough for that?" I laugh

"I'll look in to it, you need to pack your bags. You leave tomorrow night, I'll send the details" we bid our goodbyes and hang up.

Packing is so fucking boring.

Noah's been out all day, he hasn't helped at all! Which is annoying the living shit out of me. A way to get on my nerves. I understand that he is a young bachelor or whatever. But chores is a thing and grown adults have responsibilities!

I don't know what is going on. I'm in a state of mind where every fucking thing annoy me. I know he's out training. Why am I mad?

It's been like this all week, I guess I'm getting my period or something. But it's also this thing where I cry at every thing. Since when? No I don't know what's going on. But I'm not here for it.

I have too much going on for this. I've missed a couple pills lately so I'm probably just getting my period. Perfect fucking timing! Mother Nature really do know when to slap a bitch in the face.

Like yesterday when they forgot my fucking fries I wanted to slap them so hard in the face but instead I started crying. Like a five year old child, I cried.




he texted me that he's going to be late.
I might as well just get some practice in.
Let's go to the rink here for the last time!

I'm gonna miss Johnny and that little child of his. But I'll fly them out. I think about doing this again, skating I mean. Yea I've been back and forth between actually doing it, but fuck it it's time. I mean I can't hide from it forever. It was my life and a big part of who I was.

I want it too be a part of who I am. Present term, I just don't know if I'll love it when I'm actually competing. But there is only one way to find out.

"You do know it's a shot timing buying a ring when her best friend just got engaged" Adonis say

"Yes but it's not for now, I know she loves this particular ring and they don't ship out of country. So I'm buying it now so I have it for when it's time." He just nods

Originally I wanted to propose in Disneyland but now Islas engaged soooooo, and I don't think Lia wants a public proposal. Well Adonis told me she doesn't so it'll be in either Canada or on a trip in the future.

"Your getting late, you should text her." Shit, she's gonna be a bit pissed!

"She answered with 'mmmm' I don't want to go home" he glares at me...

"Well you were supposed to help her packing. For what it's worth she would've ordered me to kill you if she was really kissed so." That is very true.

"Well now I have to start thinking of who I want as my best man" he stares at me

I stare back

"Are you kidding" he says in a angry tone


"You don't have friends who other than me could it be?" What?

"Excuse you I have friends!"

"You're excused, and no you don't"

"I do"

"You don't"

"I do"

A minute of silence passes by.

"Fine you'll be my best man"

"No I don't want to, I promised to be Angie's brides men if she got married" he smiles

"So WHY start a fight about it?!?"
He just smiles and walk to the car. Soon I'll hire someone too kill him.

When I get back she's nowhere to be found. Did I really lose her so fast.. good job man.

I continue packing the rest of what is left. And when I look at the time 3 hours have passed and I still haven't heard a word from her. Weird.

I've skated for a while but start too get dizzy so I take a quick break and drink some water. But it doesn't pass, I've eaten a lot today and there should be no problem.

The older lady who owns the rink walk up to me.

"Is there something wrong darling?" She looks at me with so kind and tired eyes.

"No I just needed a quick break" she nods and continue to stare into my eyes.

"Is all well?" She continues

"I'm just a bit dizzy but it's all good!" She smiles big time.

"I could see it in your eyes the second I looked at them" what?

"What are you talking about?"

"It's easy to spot if you know what to look for, I've noticed some behavior changes so it was not hard to get to the conclusion" I'm not fucking following

"I'm sorry I have no idea what your talking about?"

"Oh, I'm sorry! I thought you knew that y——

I'm back my darlings.
I know, I know I've said that before. But I'm trying really hard okay!

Hope y'all enjoy it:)

Leave your guesses to what is on with Lia!

Word count: 1108

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