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A/N: pretty please could you vote? it would make me happy and give me the motivation to write more for you!

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A/N: pretty please could you vote? it would make me happy and give me the motivation to write more for you!


Later on, Charlie and I were just at home and relaxing. Bella was out with a couple of her new friends that she made at school. It made me so proud that she was getting outside her comfort zone and trying to do something she had never really done before.

We were both sitting on the couch, Charlie sat watching a baseball game and facing the television and I was sitting leaning against him reading. He had his one arm around my waist, his thumb drawing small circles on my hip sending shivers down my spine and butterflies in my stomach.

I flipped to the final page of my book, and a slight feeling of sadness consumed me as I had grown attached to the book. I looked over to the TV to see that the game had ended.

To cure the boredom that was going to come before it arrived I asked Charlie "Hey, Charlie, do you want to bake something with me? It will be fun!"

He looked over towards me and a small smile showed on his handsome face, "I'll try my best, Fleur. Just don't let me burn down the kitchen."

I sat up so that Charlie could also get up, he stood and held out his hand for me which I gladly took, his warm one encasing my cold one as we made our way to the kitchen.

I grabbed my recipe notebook and passed it to him.

"Do you want to pick a flavour? Look inside here." My fingers accidentally touched his and I felt a little tingle, even if it was the slightest touch it still made me act like a schoolgirl. He looked through the book, after each different recipe, his fingers marking a few pages which he probably wanted to relook at and compare.

"How about coffee?" he asked, slightly unsure. "That's one of my favourites! I've been wanting to bake that one for a while." I replied smiling.

His warm breath fanned my neck as he peppered kisses on my neck and face. I gasped and he just chuckled lowly, one that send shivers down my spine. I returned the favour kissing him on his cheek and lips, making sure that there were slightly noticeable lipstick stains left behind. He then stepped back with a smirk on his face, "How many are we going to bake, babe?" He spoke. Blushing, I replied "How about 24? So we can have eight each including Bella?"

He nodded and went to grab the equipment in the yellow cupboards. Searching through the recipe I found what we needed and took it back to the table by the slightly frosted window. Charlie came back with bowls, measuring cups, spoons, the cupcake tins and the cases.

"Let's get started then," he said.

I grabbed my book and read off the things we needed looking at each one to check it was there. Everything was set so we got to work.

I grabbed the caster sugar and the softened butter putting them into the bowl.

"Have you ever baked before, Charlie? Well, at least without anything setting on fire" I asked, "No, not without setting them on fire or burning them." he replied slightly sheepishly.

"I will guide you through it ok? How about you do the actual baking and I will help you? Wait no that just makes it sound like I'm making you do all the work I am sorry. We will both bake nuts I will help you, Ok, Charlie?" I apologized a bit awkwardly; Gods, I am turning into Charlie and Bella.

"I would like that, thank you, Fleur" I blushed, even though he says my name daily it still manages to affect me.

"Ok first we will need to put the oven on to 160 degrees and then we need to whisk together the softened butter and the sugar" handing him the whisk. He began mixing it, the sugar being folded into the warm butter. "like this?" he asked, "perfect!" I said with a smile.

"I'm going to measure out the other ingredients to save time"

I measured out the flour, salt, milk and ground coffee. I looked over and saw he was done.

"Now we add 6 eggs, I know it's a lot but we are baking double the batch" I stated, handing over a small box of eggs. "Crack them on the side so none of the shells falls in the bowl." He nodded and did just that. I decided to make the buttercream icing and grabbing the ingredients I got to work.

After a lot of cracking of eggs, we had the wet and dry ingredients all mixed, we now had to combine them all.

"Now we need to add all the ingredients together and mix."

we poured the wet mixture into the dry otherwise the dry would go all over the side.

Charlie then mixed them all, the scent of coffee filling the room, We then put them in the cases and into the oven.

"Well done, Charlie! You didn't even knock anything over. Quite surprising actually." I said teasingly.

He rolled his eyes in a playful manner, "Oh shush, Fleur."

Feeling bold, I replied, "Make me."

His dark eyes widened in slight surprise before something else took over them.


𝐑𝐞𝐝𝐚𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐲, 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐞 𝐒𝐰𝐚𝐧Where stories live. Discover now