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A/N   enjoy this chapter <3 so sorry it took so long but here we are anyways <3

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A/N   enjoy this chapter <3 so sorry it took so long but here we are anyways <3

It was a frosty February morning, and the area next to me seemed empty and chilly. I paused for a moment, remembering that Charlie was staying at Billy's house and wouldn't see me in my wedding gown. I sat up and stretched a bit, trying not to make my legs cramp up in the process before getting out of bed.

As I made my way to the kitchen, my feet padded down the creaky wooden stairs. "Hey, Mom!" said Bella. "Huh? What exactly are you doing here, Bella? I assumed you were going to see your boyfriend. "I inquired. "I'm the one who's going to help you get dressed, you idiot!" she chuckled, pulling a chair at the table out for me. She put my favourite cereal in front of me and handed me a spoon. "Many thanks, Bells!"

After I finished my meal, Bella drove me to one of Forks' few salons to get my hair and nails done. "Are you nervous, Mom?" Bella inquired as her nails were being painted.

"Obviously, I am! What if he changes his mind at the last minute and refuses to marry me?" I frowned at the mere thought.

Bella sighed and rolled her eyes "Mom, you'll be fine. I can tell by the way Charlie looks at you. He looks at new fishing rods and your cinnamon cakes in the same manner! "

A tiny smile and flush appeared on my cheeks. "Shush, Bella," I said as I diverted my attention from the Brunette girl. Deep down I knew she was correct.

We returned home after getting our hair and nails done so Bella and one of her best friends, Angela, could assist with make-up.

"Don't do anything heavy, keep her makeup natural," Angela urged Bella, who was delicately swiping eyeshadow over my eyelids.

Bella nodded and started to work her magic on my face. Bella was ultimately finished after a brief time. My eyes were a lovely shade of delicate lavender, my eyeliner was sharp like a needle, and my eyelashes were spread like butterfly wings. My cheeks were warm, but I couldn't tell if it was from the prospect of marriage to the man I had always loved or the soft pink Bella had applied to my cheeks, which also matched my rosy lips.

"Thank you so much, Ange and Bells. I really do appreciate you." I hugged them tightly and proceeded to get ready for my wedding.

My dress's material was so comfortable and pleasant that I could rest in it if I had to. I spun around to let Bella zip it up, the embroidery was so exquisite and accommodated my features flawlessly. I looked in the mirror to see how the finished result looked. I gasped when I observed someone I vaguely recognised. I appeared much more confident with my hair up and my physique even more prominent than it was previously.

"You look stunning, Fleur," said a voice from the doorway.

"Billy," i whispered softly. He approached me and hugged me tightly.

"Are you ready? Your soon-to-be husband is already there," He inquired.

I nodded my head and proceeded to make our way down to the police station.

I'd finally arrived at the station, and the two huge wooden doors in front of me, as well as Billy, who was one of my greatest friends and practically a father figure to me at times, gently opened.

As soon as it cracked open, music poured forth. My gaze was immediately drawn to Charlie, and vice versa.

From where I was, I could see Charlie's apprehensive face fading and a pink blush adorning his faintly freckled features. The crowd's attention was drawn to you as Bella, Angela, and Sue Clearwater stood at one end of the aisle, as did Carlisle and Jacob, and Billy was about to join them.

The initial part of the ceremony was long but now it was time to say our vows.

"Charlie, I love you with all of my heart, with a passion that can only be conveyed in kisses, looks, and years of exploration at your side. Today, I say "I do," but that means "I will." I will take your hand and stand by your side throughout pleasant and difficult times. I commit myself to your success, happiness, and smiling. I shall always adore you. I pledge to be your guiding light in the dark, a warm comfort in the cold, and a shoulder to cry on when life becomes too much for you to handle alone. Give me your hand, and I will give you everything I have. Give me your heart, and I'll give you mine in return."

"Fleur, You adore me unconditionally and fulfil me in ways I never imagined possible. I pledge to listen to you and learn from you, to support you and accept your support, starting now. I shall rejoice in your victories and lament your losses as if they were my own. I shall adore you and revel in your love for me for the rest of our lives, my love. I pledge to catch you if you fall, to carry you over every threshold, and to fall in love with you every day. Today, I resolve to have all the patience and passion that love requires. I'll always be at your side, in both laughter and silence. I accept you as mine, knowing and loving all of your flaws, just as I offer myself to you as yours, with all of my flaws. I will be there for you in your times of need, just as I know I can look to you for guidance when I need it."

As our vows had finished, the words we had both been waiting for were stated.

"You may kiss the bride."

Charlie took a deep breath and lifted the lace veil off of my face. I closed my eyes and smiled as he moved in closer to my lips. "I love you," he muttered, giving you a passionate kiss as his large hand wrapped around your waist and dipped me dramatically. The kiss was not intended to win a battle, but rather to seek union and connection only through the sharing of a single breath, feeling, timeless and passionate instant.  Everyone was both elated and crying. Charlie carried me bridal style out of the station and into a cruiser which had been decorated with lilac and white flowers. I held his hand and he held mine.

I was in love with Charlie. Charlie was in love with me as well.

It was an act of returning a love in full.

It was an act of redamancy.


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