Night one part 2

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In our old town I had an awesome job and every day I would get home and my father would ask me how my day went. I would always reply with a bright smile on my face, I loved my old job. I used to sit at the breakfast nook in our kitchen and watch my parents make dinner while telling all about my wonderful day at school and at work, it was wonderful. I'll be doing the same thing today, my shift ends at 6:00 am so I won't get to see them make dinner, but at least I'll get to spend breakfast with them. Although I don't think they'll be getting the amazing, happy, smiling stories I used to tell them, because this job was nothing but hell. Now looking back at all the scary forms I had to fill out for injuries and death made sense. These animatronics sure weren't as cool and neat at night it was honestly all one big nightmare.

When the night first started I was relaxing calmly in my chair scrolling through the cameras, but as the hours dragged on I became more and more stressed by the minute. The animatronics would sometimes pop in front of the camera I would switch to and terrify me. Finally the clock struck 5:00 am and I had only heard from Mike twice, once he had almost sent my soul out of my body when he had called to let me know he was almost done cleaning some random room or something. I hadn't paid too much attention to what he was saying, I was too busy trying to compose myself. The second time I had seen it coming, while I was flipping through the cameras I had seen him reach for his walkie and a second later his voice rang through the room letting me know he was coming back to join me in the office for the last hour of the shift.

"Hope it didn't get too boring without me here" he said, entering the room and flopping down on the second office chair near the desk. He put his hands behind his head and propped his legs on the desk, shoving papers to the floor. His eyes lingered on me, I was the complete opposite of the way he sat. My feet were planted firmly on the floor, my hand gripping the arm rests ready to run at the slightest sound. "Looks like someone's not having too much fun" he chuckled. I scowled, forcing myself to recline in the chair, I crossed my arms and stretched out my legs.

"Well it certainly isn't my fault this place is the worst dump i've ever worked at" I twisted my head back towards the cameras to add flair to my point.

"Ouch, kind of harsh don't cha think?" he said, recoiling with hurt.

"Not at all," I replied flipping through the cameras. "I don't know how you've managed to work here longer than a day, Schmidt". I heard him scoff beside me and almost audibly roll his eyes, he scooted his chair closer to mine, peering over my shoulder. My cheeks instantly turned red, why was he so close to me!? Clearly not paying enough attention I switched through all the cameras until I had almost done a full rotation of them all with Mike hovering over me until he finally went back to sit on his own chair. Suddenly Chica's face flashed on the screen and I almost fell out of my chair. Mike instantly began to laugh incredibly hard, almost falling out of his chair. My face was burning red, with embarrassment and anger, I swear if one of the animatronics doesn't take out this Schmidt myself. Speaking of the animatronics during the hours that I had been there I had finally learned the name of some animatronics, Chica was the creepy bird/chicken monster, Freddy was the main guy, the bear and Bonnie was the bunny. There were also a few more or like a fox named Foxy and other nameless ones kept in back rooms because they kept falling apart. My watch flashed at 6:00 am, time to get out of here. I snatched my coat off the chair and left Mike in the office, crying of laughter.

"I'll see you tomorrow night!" he called after me

"I'm not looking forward to it," I replied halfway out of the building. I marched out onto the parking lot noticing my dad was already there. I quickly composed myself, opening the door and sitting myself down in the front seat. My dad looked so excited, a huge smile plastered on his face.

"Soooo...?" he questioned, waiting for an answer.

"It was good," I said, shrugging. He looked as though he was waiting for something more, 'go on...' his eyes seemed to say. "I mean it was pretty boring since there's nothing really to do at night. There's some really cool animatronics that would be totally cooler during the day. I have this interesting coworker who helped me out and will probably be working with me for a while and... ya " I smiled, it wasn't all a lie, just enough of one so he wouldn't worry. He beamed, starting the car and driving home.

"That sounds great! You know for a minute there I was scared you wouldn't like it, but look at this!" he nudged me playfully, "you're just a natural at everything". The rest of the drive was spent with me telling incredibly elaborate lies about how great Freddy's was, and I spent the entirety of breakfast doing the same for my mother and sister. My mother wore the same smile my dad had on the way home, at least my lies were believable... or so I thought.

I was getting ready to take a nice nap after staying up all night when my sister entered my room.

"Oh hey Cass" I greeted her and she plopped down on my bed criss-cross style with a huge grin on her face.

"Now give me the real story" she urged scooching closer to me.

"I have no clue what you're talking about" I say shrugging, a grin on my own face. Cass and I were only a few years apart so she grew up as my best friend and she knew everything, such as... when I was lying. She giggled, attacking me with a pillow. "OK! Ok" I gave in and she sat down waiting for the story. I delivered it to her the best I could, explaining the creepy animatronics in great detail to try and scare her but she seemed to be enjoying it.

"That's so awesome, seriously" she smiled "I wish I could work too"

"Seriously, you wish you could work at a creepy pizzeria with a scary coworker" I rolled my eyes.

"Well is he hot?" she questioned, smirking.

"I- No!" I responded, but it had taken me too long and she was cackling like a mad man again. "Stop! He is not! He's literally my coworker!" I screamed trying to get her to calm down.

"You think he's hot!" she giggled

"CASS!" I slapped my hand around her mouth and she stopped laughing so hard, only giggling a little. Maybe she was right though, he was rather attractive... I mentally face palmed, absolutely not, he was creepy and weird and...

hot... yes maybe I did have to agree, he was quite good looking. Cass moved my hand off her mouth.

"Ooooooh you agree" she whispered, a wide grin stretching across her face. I swatted her off my bed, shooing her out of my room.

"Go away, I'm supposed to be napping" I called out as she danced out of my room, singing some silly rhyme about my coworker and I. She was terribly annoying, but she always has a good point.


Hehe hello again from the author, i'm very used to reading big books where they don't kiss or even flirty till chapter 555 buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut i don't want this to be so long it's boring so it's quite fast pace. This chapter was 1.3k :)

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