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My alarm rang at 11:00 pm, indicating that despite it hadn't seemed like it all day I still had work. Mike's arm was wrapped around my waist, the other above his head. I smiled, even in his sleep he frowned.

"Michael..." I whispered gently, turning to face him. "Sorry to break it to you but we still have work". He groaned, opening his eyes.

"I'd rather just stay here than go to that dump, maybe have more of your dad's leftover lasagna"

"No Michael, we have a job and others are waiting for us, we've got to make sure we're there or we'll lose it." Little did we know... we had already lost it.

We arrived at the pizzeria with a couple minutes left before our shift started. I expected the office to be empty but when we walked in there was someone in Mike's seat, his blueprints of the animatronics spread out all over the desk. The man spun around to face us, a frown on his face.

"Would you like to explain... mister Schmidt, why are these classified blueprints here?" The man had a funny little moustache and an almost western accent, something he probably faked to fit in as a child.

"As a night guard I am allowed to..."

"I'm going to cut you off there, mister Schmidt. As a night guard ye'r allowed to guard and occasionally aid with repairs after trainin' but if I recount you have not had this trainin' have ye?"

"No I haven't..." Mike's mouth was pressed into a thin line, his expression blank.

"We've been watching ye'r and think it's no longer acceptable for ye to perform these unauthorised repairs... for this reason, we've decided to let both of you" he stopped and looked at me "and ye'r coworker misser L/n down". My mouth dropped, how were we going to continue? What was going to happen next?".

"Tonight is ye'r last night, new people will replace you on Monday" he said as he picked up the papers and walked off. "Don't forget we're still watching ya", he pointed at the little red light I had seen yesterday, now that I could look closely I could see it was a camera "don't mess with anything else and maybe we'll let ch'a keep ye'r last week's salary". He shut the door walking off and Mike kicked the file cabinet, so close yet so far. I immediately went to him, placing my hand on his shoulder.

"We'll find a way," I said softly. He turned to look at me and smiled, the genuine one I had only ever seen him give a couple times. "You know, I'm so happy you've gotten rid of that creepy smile". He chuckled and we got to work, our last night at Freddy's. We spent our time trying to ignore the camera at the back of the office and getting our work done as usual. Micheal and I didn't get a chance to leave the office this time so we sat around and watched the cameras silently. I didn't know what I was going to tell my parents, 'Ya... I lost my job because I was messing with the animatronics trying to set free the souls of the kids the owner killed', I'm sure they'd react really well. So I spent my time watching the cameras and scheming, what we would do next, what story I would tell my parents and everything in between.

When our shift ended we picked up our things and Mike drove me home. I walked in and explained to my parents over dinner that I had been fired.

"Nonsense! Why would they fire you? You're my hardworking child there's no reason for you to be fired!" My dad said, stabbing his eggs angrily.

"Thanks dad but it's ok, they just found someone else who fit their criteria better" I told him, which wasn't a complete lie...

"After dinner tonight we'll go for ice cream and you can take a break from working" he said decidedly, I loved how nice he was about this.

"Thanks again but it's ok... I want to work, I'll rest tonight but start my job hunt tomorrow". He agreed and made another comment that my hard work should be rewarded and it was alright to take a break. I assured him I was fine before heading up to my room. I pondered the choices I had made up to this time, some great and some not so great. I had met Micheal, befriended him (well maybe a little more than befriended), helped him in his search for closure but at the same time I had lost my job and gotten tangled up in a mystery that might not go down like it does in the movies... Either way I sure had a crazy run. Before Micheal and I had left yesterday I had given him my home phone, which rang today while the rest of my family was out.

"Hello, L/n household" I said answering the phone.

"How would you like to continue working for a place with killer animatronics?" a dark voice, Micheal's voice, asked from the other end.


And there's the end! Wow, I can't believe i'm finally done writting this after writting for over a year. Well, I suppose there could be a second book in the future but we'll see how busy I get in the next few months with a crazy school schedual. Well I hope you enjoyed and ya.... peace ;) 

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