Night nine

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I had barely slept during the day, sure I was traumatised but I couldn't wait to finally help Mike with this investigation. If it was personal to Mike, it was personal to me. When I walked into work that morning I was ready. Ready to face the investigation and ready to help Mike. I found it silly I still called him Mike, I could start using his full name now I suppose?

When I walked in, it was as if yesterday had never happened, Mike, who was sitting watching the cameras, had his regular old mix of a scowl and a smirk on his face. His eyes turned to meet mine and he smirked a little more.

"Your shirt's done up wrong"

"What!?" I looked down and sure enough I had missed a button and put a button through the wrong loop. I quickly turned around and fixed them as Mike chuckled a bit behind me. I turned back and set my things on the desk beside his. "Better?" I asked sarcastically.

"No actually, I preferred the gaps" he smirked and I gave him a quick wack on the head with the back of my hand.

"So... What are we looking at" I drew his attention back to the cameras and papers in front of him. He looked at me with a solemn face like he did in the car.

"I believe my father didn't just murder the children, the bodies were never discovered... I have a hunch at where they might be..." I looked back at the screens, Bonnie's terrifying empty eyes staring back directly into mine. I jumped back, almost falling on the floor, Mike laughed as he helped me up.

"I swear that bunny wants to get my giblets" I breathed out as Mike pulled me up.

"As I was saying..." he chuckled, pulling me up. "I think that the children are somehow connected to the animatronics". His face turned serious again, looking me dead in the eye.

"So what's the plan?"

"Prove my father is guilty, free the children and more importantly... don't die trying."


For the rest of the night Mike and I took turns studying the animatronics and trying to find pieces of evidence that might make our conclusions not sound so insane. Not only did we need to prove everything, but we also needed to make it sound simple and believable. Even if it were the truth, it would be incredibly difficult to get others to understand. Mike explained to me the tampering he was doing on the animatronics and how everything would go down. All we had to do was shut off and mess with the animatronics a bit to get the information we needed.

At roughly 3:00 am we had to move to the floor to spread out our papers. I felt like the main character in my mothers book, who she had based off of my sister and I. In the book she had to solve multiple cases that involved being sprawled out on the floor, evidence all over the room, solving the case. Mike and I spent the night discussing the problem but that didn't mean we didn't talk about other things.

"So what did you think of the spot I took you yesterday" he looked up at me and we made eye contact across the newspaper clippings on the floor.

"The hill?"


"Oh ya, it was nice" I said rather flippantly shuffling through papers. I looked up after a minute to see he was shuffling through his too, a little more nervously than I was. "Why?" He looked up quickly, staring me in the eye.

"Oh... I was just wondering if you wanted to go back there and watch the sun rise... someone's coming in early tonight so we can leave and get there before it fully comes over the hill..." he stopped himself and looked again muttering a series of "only if you want to" and "it was just a silly idea". I stood there, mouth a little agape as Mike busied his hands with papers.

"Michael Afton..." I started, his first name catching him off guard "are you asking me out?" I smirked at the end and all his nervousness seemed to dissipate.

"Maybe?" he raised an eyebrow "just thought we'd make happier memories there together".

"You are asking me out..."

"And if I was? Would you say yes?" he leaned forward and I couldn't help but lean into him as well.

"Yes... I would"

"Then I am"

"Good" I was super close to him now, his face still far away but just close enough... Just then I felt one of the papers underneath make a crunching sound and I pulled back to make sure I didn't crush an essential part of our evidence. "Sorry" I apologise, flattening out the crumbled file.

"It's ok..." he responded, smirking and I had to brace myself for his response. "We can get closer in the car" his eyes drifted over me as he spoke and I rolled my own.

"We certainly can, but let's get this done first hm?" We spent the rest of the time filing and organising our ideas, files and evidence. By the time 5:00 am rolled around we had just finished cleaning up, everything had been reorganised into boxes that we shoved far under the desk.

"Ready," Mike said, opening the door and letting me pass through. As I left I looked back once more to check everything had been put away properly. I noticed a small red light in the top corner of the office, a little light I had never noticed before, blinking periodically. I shrugged it off and walked through the door, Mike following closely behind me. I couldn't wait to see the sun rise with him. 


Another short little chapter :)

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