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   Jovie looked up and even through her tears and drunken vision could see Sirius standing above her. She could've sworn the strobe lights made him look like an angel.

   Her saving grace.

   She jumped up, wrapping her arms around her friend, "Sirius!"

   Sirius stayed frozen as she cried into his chest.

   He had gone to look for her anyway after finding the party was deathly boring without the blonde but he didn't expect to stumble upon her drunk and alone on the dance floor. Why wasn't she with Lily?

   He slowly pushed the girl away, bending to look her in the eyes. He thumbed away her tears, "what happened? I thought you were on the couch with Lily?"

   Jovie nodded, stumbling over her words, "We- we were b-but we wanted to drink! So we drank a-a lot!" She wiped at her runny nose, now fully sobbing. "Then James took her away and I was alone!" she cried into her hands.

   Sirius frowned, "I'm gonna bloody kill that idiot."

   He knelt to the ground, grabbing the girl's hat before standing again. Jovie was still rambling about this being her first time drunk and how she would never do it again as he pulled it on over her head.

   Sirius wrapped an arm around the short blonde, leading her off towards the side of the room. He pulled her up the steps to the dorms and to the ginormous communal bathroom all the sixth year boys shared.

   "Better?" he asked, "it's not loud anymore."

   Jovie nodded slowly, most of her crying had come to a stop and now she just felt like an idiot.

   "I'm so sorry," she apologized, "I ruined your night."

   Sirius shook his head, lifting her to sit on one of the sinks. "No you didn't, I wasn't having fun anyways." He ran the water of the next sink, grabbing a washcloth from behind the mirror.

   Jovie grinned through her tears, is that why you were looking for me?"

   Sirius glanced up at the girl, a smile on his face as he watched her grin widely at him. He smirked, "well duh, you're the most interesting bloke around here anyway."

   This caused Jovie to break into laughs as Sirius wiped off her face, her constant movement making it difficult. Eventually Sirius gave up and descended into laughter as well.

   The two stood there alone in the bathroom as they laughed like maniacs.

    Jovie looked down at Sirius, running her hand through his wild hair as she smiled. "That was really funny," she whispered.

   Sirius looked up at her, "you think?"

   This caused the blonde to ascend into another fit of giggles as Sirius shut off the sink, lifting her down back to the floor. He led her by hand out of the bathroom and towards the steps that led back to the common room.

   Jovie stopped, shaking her head as she tightened her grip on his hand, yanking him to a stop. She grinned, "we can't go to my room. Mary and Marlene are in there being bad."

   Sirius rolled his eyes, biting back his grin, "Merlin's beard, those two. Fine," he turned and led her towards his room, Jovie sporadically laughing along the way.

   When they made it there the room was surprisingly more clean than Jovie would've thought. Of course there was still quidditch gear and clothes all over the floor but somehow she expected it to be much worse.

   Sirius sat her on the bed, clicking open his trunk. Jovie just sat and watched him as he pulled out shorts and a jumper. She thought about the time he had saved her from that Violet girl.

   Sirius seemed to save her a lot.

   The boy gave her the clothes, spinning around to allow her to change. After a few moments he heard the shuffling stop, "done?"

   Jovie nodded, "done."

   He turned back just to see her drop the jumper, the boy getting a flash of her stomach. Though it was just skin and Sirius had seen plenty worse he still flushed red.

   Shaking his head clear of thoughts he pulled back his bed covers, "you can stay here tonight, I'll stay until you fall asleep then go back down to have all the fun you're keeping me from," he joked.

   Jovie laughed again as she slipped underneath the covers, laying her head onto the pillow. Her eyes seemed to droop though she was still grinning wildly.

   Sirius took a seat on the bed across from her and the two sat in silence. Jovie sighed after a moment, her eyes closed, "talk to me until I fall asleep."

   The black haired boy thought for a moment.

   "Once during Christmas break I went to visit james. It was cold and snowy so I had taken this hat from my brother. It was a weird hat," he sighed watching Jovie's even breaths.

   "We had planned to prank James' mum, Effie, with a potion. It was going to blow up in her face but of course we got the timing wrong and it ended up blowing up in our faces," he laughed. "I burned a hole in the hat and Reg was mad at me for days, weeks even."

   He watched as the blonde slept, "I had never understood why. But I think I do now." 

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