thirty two.

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Jovie's head hurt like a bitch.

Not that she could comprehend that at the moment.

The blonde looked around the room slowly, her vision adjusting to the darkness. She seemed to be sitting on the floor of a bedroom, something tying her to the furnace.

Looking around the room more she realized she recognized it more, though she couldn't quite place where from. There were muggle posters of women in bikinis on the walls and clothes and quidditch equipment littering the floor.

Just like that it snapped into place.

"I've gotta go home and get ready for dinner."

Jovie grinned, "can I eat dinner with you?"

Even though she asked this question every time they hung out she always expected the answer to be different. She should know better by now.

"You know you can't Jo, my parents don't know we're friends."

"Why don't you tell them we're friends?"

"Because I can't."

"Why can't you?"

Regulus smiled softly, "I'm sorry Jovie, I'll see you tomorrow."

He turned and started down the street, turning left. Jovie stood still for a minute, upset their hangout had to end so soon.

Why did he always have to go home so early?

Regulus refused to answer any of her questions so she would just have to take matters into her own hands. The little blonde huffed, hiking up her sleeves and following after her friend.

She followed him for two blocks until he turned into the long driveway of a mansion, the front gates reading 'Black Manor'.

Jovie found herself too awestruck to notice the gates had closed in front of her, the iron reaching far too high up in the sky for a ten old to even dream of climbing.

So rather than give up, she set out for the side of the building, finding a tall hedge with a tree perfect for climbing located right beside it.

It didn't take long for the blonde to reach a windowsill leading into a kids bedroom. The window was open letting in the breeze and muggle music was coming from the record player.

Jovie carefully balanced on her right foot as she pushed herself into the glass, hoping the window would just open the rest of the way. Luckily it did just that and she went tumbling inside.

"Merlin's beard!"

At the sound of a boy's voice she grinned, "Reggie!"

She sat up, finding the pair of eyes the voice was attached to only to realize it was not Regulus and in fact some other child.

The boy looked just like Regulus but a tiny bit older.

"What're you doing in my room?"

Before the girl could answer the bedroom door swung open, a scary tall man standing there with perhaps the angriest look Jovie had ever seen.


"You're awake!"

Jovie was pulled from her memories at the sound of a voice. She looked up at the woman now standing in front of her and immediately recognized her as the girl from the forest. Behind her was a man with slicked back gray hair and a snarl on his face.

Bellatrix skipped over to where Jovie was seated, picking up one of her curls and twirling it around her finger. "Aren't you quite the pretty one? That's too bad."

Jovie felt a lump form in her throat, the danger of the situation beginning to set in, "w-why's that too bad?"

Bellatrix ignored her, "what time is it Fenrir?"

The man grinned, his teeth impossibly sharp, "midnight on the dot."

The curly haired girl sighed, releasing the golden curl from her finger, "oh well then, I guess she's all yours."

The man licked his lips as Bellatrix stood, making her way for the door. She set a hand on his shoulder, "oh and please try not to be too messy, the Blacks were kind in letting us use their home."

Fenrir snarled, "no promises."

Bellatrix just let out a cackle, leaving the room and slamming the door behind her. Fenrir turned back to face Jovie, the blonde's heart drumming as she began to fidget.

"What should I do with you?"

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