twenty five.

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"Are you all sure you don't have attachment issues?"

Madam Pomfrey scanned her eyes over the infirmary that had been taken over by students. James hummed in acknowledgement from his place on Jovie's bed, the girl's fingers tangled in his hair as she braided it.

Lily smiled from her place on the bed beside Jovie's, squished between Dorcas and Evan, "thank you for putting up with us."

Alice grinned, spinning on the stool she had pulled over, "yeah thanks Poppy."

Marlene reached up to stop her spinning from where she was sitting on the floor, her head in Mary's lap as the curly haired girl tried to catch Peter's popcorn in her mouth.

Barty nudged Regulus, "let's try that."

Regulus rolled his eyes, "let's not."

Madam Pomfrey made her way over to Jovie's bed, filling up her water glass as the blonde looked up to her, "I'm really sorry about all of this ruckus," she apologized.

Pomfrey set a gentle hand on her shoulder, "never apologize for being this loved, sweetheart."

Just then the door burst open, Sirius storming into the room.

Everyone seemed to freeze, watching as the boy's frantic eyes scanned Jovie for any sign of injury or distress.

The blonde just grinned, "you're back! I missed you!"

Everyone set into motion again, going back to what they were doing as Sirius made his way to the girl's bed, James slipping away to give the two space.

He fiddled with his hands, he wanted to hug her and grab her hand, but he couldn't. He sucked in a breath, "what happened Jo?"

He sounded like he was on the brink of tears.

Jovie smiled softly, "I'm okay Siri, just got into it with Snape that's it. He has some anger issues he needs to sort out," she mumbled the last bit.

Sirius glanced over to where Lily and James were whispering, they were both frowning and seemed racked with guilt. He turned his eyes back to the blonde, "did he get in trouble?"

Jovie sighed, "I grabbed my wand first so he got off with one detention."

Sirius let out a long sigh, his shoulders sagging. Jovie noticed this, a frown tracing her lips as she moved over in her bed, "wanna do this magazine quiz? Fabe brought it for me."

Slowly the boy nodded, climbing into the bed beside her, the two shuffled a bit before Jovie opened the magazine across their laps, reading out the title, "what type of girl is your soulmate?"

She cringed at the quiz.

Barty chuckled, "well you guys can skip that one, I think we already know."

This caused the group to burst out laughing, Madam Pomfrey shushing them all and reminding them she did have other patients.

Regulus felt his frown deepen, his eyes trailing to where Jovie and Sirius were huddled into the bed together, laughing quietly to themselves.

And suddenly he just knew.

He didn't know when it had happened but it had. Their kiss had meant nothing, Jovie had just done it in good fun. She had smiled after, the same smile she'd had all her life.

And Sirius had done it again.

He'd won.

* * *

At the sound of coughing Jovie awoke, giving her eyes a moment to adjust to the darkness. She slowly slipped out of bed, making her way around Lily and James, everyone else having gone back to the dorms.

The two were sat in chairs next to each other, Lily's head nestled onto James' shoulder as they slept and for a moment they reminded Jovie of her parents.

She needed to write them soon.

Noticing Sirius and Remus' absence she made her way around the curtain to find Remus hunched over by the candle light. He was coughing and looked deathly pale.

Jovie remembered how he looked exactly like that two months ago, he'd told her it was just a cold and he had bad health.

"Rem?" she winced a little when she bumped the curtain, resting a hand on her stomach to smooth over the bandages.

Remus looked up, his eyes softening, "go back to bed Jo, I'm okay."

Jovie shook her head, making her way over to her friend as worry etched itself onto her face, "what's wrong? You're worrying me."

Remus suddenly keeled over, the girl catching him on her shoulder as his body shook. She trembled as she supported his body weight, whispering to him, "Rem please, you're not okay."

The tawny haired boy recovered from his cough attack, smiling weakly, "Jovie you are too kind for your own good. It's just a little cold, if it gets worse, I promise you'll be the first person I come to."

Jovie hesitated before nodding, "promise?"

"I promise."

* * *


The black haired boy froze at the sound of the ice cold voice, one he usually recognized as taunting and annoying. He slowly turned, meeting eyes with Sirius Black.

Sirius glared at him, clenching his fists over and over in an attempt to hold himself back, "next week come to the whomping willow at midnight."

Snape raised a brow, thoughts racing through his head. He had expected a duel or a punch to the face for what he did to Jovie, but not this. Why on earth would he want-


His eyes hardened as Sirius practically confirmed the suspicions he'd been harboring this entire time. Remus Lupin was a werewolf.

Snape was sure Sirius had some alternative goal but he didn't care. This was his chance to get back at them once and for all.

And he knew exactly how to ensure he stayed safe.

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