Chapter 4: Some flaps and flops.

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Well, chapter 4 people! Let's see the aftermath of the mine operation on both sides! Here we go!

Disclaimer: DitF, Ace Combat, Armored Core and MGRR, their stuff and references are not mine except for my OC's.

At the infirmary in Plantation 13...

Mitsuru had just woken up from one of his recent nightmares where, again, he is faced against a demonic version of Zero Two. He involuntarily leaned towards his right arm before recoiling back into the bed from the pain. Fortunately his arm was still functional but the shadow pain was worse than when it happened to Hiro to his wrist. Speaking of him, he had recently dropped by and told him some necessary information that in some way, had calmed him down a little...

Mitsuru: - So our attacker was with them?! -

Hiro: - Yeah, apparently the pilots knew about those who piloted Flamenco. It was about to finish you off when White Glint rammed itself against it and detained them followed by Arthur giving them a harsh lecture before flying away. -

Mitsuru: - And why didn't you followed them?! -

Hiro: - You both were hurt! Flamenco had cut clean Strelizia's right arm and you were unconscious! We had to bring you to safety first. -

Mitsuru: - I can take care of myself! I don't need your pity! -

Then they were both joined by the rest of their squad and their discussion ended there. Even so, Mitsuru knew that deep down he was just being prideful. The fight had revealed him two things: one, the pilots they were trying to contact were DEFINITELY more powerful than his squadmates and even more to the famous Stamen killer; and two, he is never going to pilot with her ever again. If Hiro wants to make himself useful by dying by her hand, so be it. However, there was one thing that really worried him... what would happen when they met up again with the mysterious pilots? He sighed before trying to sleep again.

He wasn't the only one with this thinking though, as in that same moment the whole squad, including Zero Two to the surprise of everyone, was discussing about the new development they just witnessed alongside their experience in the mines...

Zorome: - I'm telling you! Those guys are amazing! They easily cut their way through the klaxosaurs just to rescue us! And then the Gunner Devil turned his mech around firing backwards when we were escaping, how sick is that?! -

For once, Miku wasn't berating her partner for being over-enthusiastic with his tales. Sincerely, she was also amazed at how the two pilots fought. The White Knight had the characteristics of a good leader and his partner was more than glad to stay in the back and cover everyone's backs. Everyone, specially Ichigo, knew that those actions by themselves spoke of experience and coordination that their squad sincerely lacked. All of their admiration for them was stopped when Zero Two shared her experience...

Zero Two: - I can officialy say that I was defeated two times now. Although this 'Flamenco' seemed more keen to kill me because I destroyed a stupid device... -

Ikuno: - It could be that he thought you were a danger to the other two. After all, everyone went chasing after them and communications were impossible with that device active giving the impression that we were hunting them, which also worries me. -

Ichigo: - Why? -

Ikuno: - I managed to overheard a conversation between the adults, saying that the elevator was hijacked by our saviors. For them, people capable of that are as dangerous as the klaxosaurs, maybe even more. -

Kokoro: - But that managed to save us, didn't it? How bad can it be if its used to rescue parasites like us? -

Goro: - I think it depends on their judgement. They can easily get their hands into something they shouldn't have. -

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