Chapter 12: The Defense of the Ark.

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Chapter 12 bois! This is one of the big ones for it will feature the first massive battle for our heroes of Squad 13 as for those in the SMC it feels like is just another Thursday for them. Now let's see how they fare!

On with the show!


2 hours before the start of operation 'Spirit Keeper', at the 'Cerasus'...

To say everyone in Squad 13 was nervous was an understatement, it was their first professional sortie with other professional forces that no doubt have more experience and knowledge about their enemy, not to say they were now on a spot of responsibility that will affect how everyone in the SMC AND the RF would judge them. It may look simple in theory, maybe even boring: be the one squad that's going to stay the closest to the Ark, literally taking care of strays and Cloakers to avoid them reaching the civilians. Even so, it was anything but simple.

Ichigo: - Sensei, what exactly are 'cloakers'? –

Orion: - Remember back at the kissing operation when we told you about the Shadow Conrads? *Ichigo nods* Cloakers are basically a more advanced version of them, not only are they hard to detect on radar, but they can also cloak themselves at will which makes them hard to detect either by visual or sensory support. Fortunately, their 'cloaking' has a weakness. If faced against a sudden source of light, like a spotlight or a flare, their shadows and outlines will light up like a beacon. They also tend to emit a unique sound when decloaking which happens when they attack; use those moments to hit them with trackers that will disable their cloaking for a long moment and finish them off. We will talk in more detail about those later when we're given the all-clear to proceed towards the Peleliu hangar where they will install some modules on your Franxx for the operation. –

Ichigo: - Wait, that means that even with a whole army, klaxosaurs can still get close towards the ark? –

Orion: - Yep, which is why our role is very important in the end. We are literally the last line of defense between life and death for the people in the ark. Because of it, High Command will grant us control of the support of a lot of units. Make sure to use their help wisely. –

She had spent the rest of the day checking and reading everything about her enemy and allies alongside Goro and sharing it with their squad. They even took an extra class of yoga, courtesy of Sally, to calm their nerves down a little but it was still not enough. Right now, everyone was having one final meeting with their commander as they were required to go towards the Peleliu in their Franxx so that they would receive some necessary modifications for the operation ahead of them.

Hachi: - According to the most recent intel acquired by the scouts, the enemy force numbers between six to eight thousand units, of which 80% are Conrads with 15% being Mohorovick's and the rest a mix of Gutenbergs and Reapers. –

Everyone was in shock at hearing that, except Raven.

Zorome: - Six to eight thousand?! Raven, are those numbers normal!? –

Raven: - Believe it or not, this is LESS than the SMC expected AND it is still LESS than the numbers obtained from the other 4 ark operations done before! Those numbered upon the tens of thousands! –

Mitsuru: - I don't know if I should be amazed or worried by this fact... are we sure that its only that? I have a hunch that we're going to be surprised like with the kissing operation when that Gutenberg appeared at the last moment... -

Hachi: - You're correct to assume that... intel obtained from radar and energy readings indicate that the klaxosaurs have a leader, category unknown for now. However, everyone expects it to be big and smart and will enter in the later stages of battle. –

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