Chapter 20: The price of a reunion with a Kämpfer.

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Chapter 20... a battle chapter in which APE will learn many harsh things the hard way as the Disavowed finally strike on their main headquarters of the Garden! What could this mean for our heroes of the SMC? Will they be forced to defend their pseudo-allies even after all the diplomatic tension between the three factions? And what of Squad 13, busy in a cleaning op away from the battle? Will Raven and Naomi find a way to reach them and lead them back to safety before the attackers set their aim on them? And where is Alexander, the father of Hiro?

On with the show!


Desert plains, a few kilometers west of the Garden, 15 minutes early...

Delphinium: - We got eyes on the klaxosaurs... two Gutenbergs as Intel said. –

Hachi: /Understood, proceed to eliminate./

Delphinium: - Roger. Alright everyone, let's get done with these guys so we can return for the farewell party early. –

Squad 13: - Roger! –

As the squad went into the attack, Ichigo soon noticed Strelizia lagging...

Ichigo: - Zero Two, Hiro, are you guys both alright? –

It seemed both were distracted as their response was sudden...

Strelizia: - Huh? Huh! Um... yes, we are alright! –

Ichigo didn't buy it and detoured from the group towards her: - Look, I know you two well enough to know you have something on your mind that is bothering you. Can you please just put it in the backburner and focus on the job for now? After that we can talk about it with all the time you need... -

Strelizia simply sighed and nodded: - Alright... but be warned, our new tale is heavy with surprises... -

Delphinium nodded as the two joined the fight. Eventually, after some minutes, both klaxosaurs fell, their cores destroyed as the team of 6 looked at them, still refreshed...

Argentea: - Hell yeah! To think that we previously struggled with only 1! Our training really paid off! –

Alstroemeria: - At least this means that we will be fine without White Glint... I still can't believe Raven and Naomi are leaving... -

Chlorophytum: - No one here does... but it doesn't mean they will leave forever. Very sure that one day we will meet with them again on the battlefield. Just on different sides. –

Genista, Delphinium, and Strelizia: "We doubt that..."

Being the only ones who knew of the true nature of APE, they feared that their next encounter with the SMC would not be on a diplomatic way... and it seemed fate materialized their worries as they suddenly heard explosions coming from the Garden...

Hachi: /Squad 13! Report back to the Garden! We're under attack by the 'Disavowed'!/

Squad 13: - WHAT?! –

Ichigo: "Dammit! My hunch was right! I knew they hated us but THIS much?!" – Understood! Alright guys, on me! We're going back and perform our duties as Parasites of APE! – "Even if I feel disgusted for saying this..."

Zorome: - Yeah! Those damn rogues have clearly crossed the line this time! –

Mitsuru: "APE has crossed worse types of lines, idiot... but in some way he is right, one wrong can't right another wrong..."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10 ⏰

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