Chapter 13: Meeting with an old (and new) world...

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Chapter 13, the chapter where Squad 13 will finally interact with the 'old' humanity before APE's version. This will change a lot the way they see and interact with APE ideologies as, little by little, they will be shown the harsh reality between them and the RF. Sure, things in the RF aren't also what they appear, but hey, I think I speak for everyone else here when I say that the RF would be the best choice by a wide margin...

Oh right, and Raven and Naomi are going on their first official date! Take for granted that classic shenanigans are going to happen! On with the show, Ravens!


3 days after operation 'Spirit Keeper'...

Squad 13 was bored. After their victory, they had returned to the Cerasus where they were debriefed, congratulated for a job well done and given leave for their future tour before going to the showers and taking a very welcoming deep sleep. However, their tour wouldn't be ready until days later because of cleaning operations and funeral services for the fallen defenders. Considering APE's policy with various topics of the 'Old world', their mentors didn't want to risk their students being the target for a memory wipe. To their surprise and good fortune, the doctor himself gave them a guideline for a guided tour that was on the grey area of such rules. So, on the second day, after returning from the funeral service, they had finally announced the itinerary for their visit: unfortunately, they won't be able to visit the city, only see it from the windows of their assigned transport as they drove around, hiding the reason behind politic coverage. Even though that sent many of them into grumbles, the kids bought the lie and recovered their enthusiasm when their destinations were announced: they would visit the 'crown of the city', the local SMC academy which was the equivalent of the Garden at APE, except that it was, in Raven's words, "the way it is supposed to work". After that, they would then spend the night at senator's Armstrong private mansion, then use the next morning to explore it and enjoy some free time doing whatever they wanted inside the place and then they would return to the 'Cerasus', which will then take course to the beach, followed by the 'Oletros'. They had spent most of the day preparing their clothes and some equipment that Raven recommended to bring; after that, it was all a matter of waiting for tomorrow since the APE staff wanted to be ready to depart asap once the visit was done and as such, they used the rest of the day to prepare in advance.

That was when boredom set in after the whole enthusiasm for the visit worn out, even on the normally hyperactive Zorome. And being tweens, they did what people at their age do, observe around, and complain a lot...

Zorome: - I'm bored! –

Zero Two: - You and me pal... -

Miku: - Oh, quit whining on it! We're also bored but you don't see us complaining here! –

Most of the squad was in the living room, having exhausted themselves trying to find ways to pass the time, even as far as trying some 'board games' that Raven had brought with him, only for everyone to give it up after trying to understand the rules of the first game and failing. Ikuno was reading a book, Mitsuru doing the same, Futoshi and Pari were both discussing about some recipes that they wanted to taste during the visit, Kokoro was at the greenhouse, Titus was checking and re-checking the status of the Franxx's (at this point, everyone treated him as the unofficial mechanic of the squad), Ichigo alongside Goro were checking the debriefing reports. Zero Two was having some fun flirting with Hiro again, and lastly, Zorome and Miku were both simply too bored to even complain. Even if it seemed everyone was doing something productive, the truth was, they were all bored of the routine today...

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