Chapter 9: Rescue and goodwill: Delphinium's trial.

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Chapter 9! This will involve the introduction of two OC's that I was given permission to use by the talented hand of Xelku9! Go check him on deviantart! His AU of DitF is one of the reasons I was inspired to write mine! It will also introduce the mysterious klaxosaur from last chapter and reveal MANY things to Squad 13 both about their mentors and about the enemy they had been told so many times about...

On with the show!


Practice yard between the Cerasus and the Oletros. 1 week and 3 days after the match...

Delphinium: - Are you sure this is something we are ready for? -

Arthur: - In my opinion, after seeing the progress you had made, I think it was about time you received this. It will increase your effectiveness by a lot. -

Argentea: - Oh man! I can't wait to use them! -

Arthur: - Obviously, don't let it get over your head or you will be digging your way to the grave very easily. -

Argentea: - Um... sure... -

Today was the day that Squad 13 would receive and test their new PA and Zandatsu modules. The idea of having a self-regenerating shield that can absorb most klaxosaur projectiles and some of the trauma force behind their melee attacks meant that they were excited about it. However, as Orion said, abusing both systems are one of the most common mistakes rookie pilots perform in their careers so they were going to receive proper mentorship about it...

They were all waiting for the package with the modules to arrive and soon enough, the same helicopter that transported their mentors appeared from the Oletros' hangars carrying a package that looked like one of the service stations they had used at the Reaper battle. The helicopter soon lowered it into the ground and returned while Skylark set it up. It soon opened up and showed a similar service station.

Arthur: - Alright, just like before, one franxx at a time will step on the station and let the machine do the work, okay? Who goes first? -

Strelizia spoke: - I think it is fair that our leader gets hers first. -

Everyone was surprised at her, Strelizia looking out for somebody else instead of her for once?

Delphinium: - Uh... thank you! After me, you can go next. -

Wow, it seems that miracles could be worked after all. Before anyone else said anything else, Delphinium walked towards the station and stood still as it activated its scanners...

Station A.I: - Subject identified. Auxiliary Delphinium... starting installation of PA and Zandatsu modules... -

The machine sprang to life as many robotic multi-tool arms started to appear and carefully work around Delphinium's frame and 'Envy Shop' weapons. Everyone saw that the machine installed circular ring pieces that shined of white and blue colors similar to Delphinium's on her weapons while a blue gemstone was set on the center of her head-crest alongside a cyan blue mask that covered her mouth. Both modules shined as they were installed and synchronized with her system. Eventually, the machine was done after adding one final touch...

Station A.I: - Installation complete... -

At that moment, the modules stopped shining and Delphinium's mask receded into the lower parts of her chin.

Chlorophytum: - How are you feeling guys? -

Delphinium: - To be fair, nothing much has changed... -

Arthur: - We're about to correct that... okey, the PA needs manual activation so concentrate and think about a force field surrounding your franxx to do so. The system will do the rest... -

Darling in the Franx: Alternate CoreOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant