Chapter 19: The Garden Where It All Began... and Ends.

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Chapter 19, the big heartbreak one in the canon timeline... will it suffer the same fate? Will the consequences be more than capable to break apart Squad 13? What exactly is the meaning behind all the visions that Naomi and Raven had been receiving? And what will happen now at the Garden?

On with the show!



The visions were the same nightmare again: it showed her and her time as a monster, her memories for some reason were distorted, filled with shadows that made her feel horrible: hate, anger, disgust, etc... and all of them had the same figure: a female silhouette that she didn't remember meeting at all, always weeping, always cursing...

?: ᵂᴴʸ? ₕʸᴰᵢᴰᴴₑₕᴬᴰₜᴼˢᵤᶠᶠᴱᵣ? ₕʸᴴᵢᴹ?! ₕʸᴺₒᵀʸₒᵁ?!

Zero Two: - Stop... stopstop...STOOOOOOP! –

She suddenly stood up, sweating, and panting as her sight soon revealed that she was on the attic: she had the same nightmare and it frustrated her...

Zero Two: - Dammit... dammit... -

She stumbled as she went towards one of the end tables and pulled out the musical box that Raven had gifted her... the musical tone soon helping her calm down. Even so, it still left a void on her to remember where he was right now...

Zero Two: "Raven... brother... why? I need you here... Why did you had to be so selfish?!"

She was about to collapse in tears when she heard the door open...

Hiro: - Zero Two? –

Zero Two: - Darling! –

She rushed towards him and hugged him tightly as she cried in fear and guilt...

Hiro: - You got the same nightmare again... didn't you? –

She nodded weakly as he simply sighed and comforted her... as he knew what she meant. He had also been suffering nightmares involving his memories. At first both believed it had to be with survivor's guilt for Raven and Naomi but as the nights passed, those nightmares repeated over and over... and they didn't know why...

Hiro: "I have a strong suspicion... but for that we need Raven's help. But how can he help us when he is helpless?"

Still, the music box gave them strength to hold on until they heard from their brother again...

Meanwhile, hundreds of kilometers Northeast of the Garden...

Smoldering remains were all that remained of the unfortunate Plantation 44, with the culprits walking away as they were picked up by Storks and lifted towards the Disavowed battleship 'Hermes'. The attackers this time were only 3 mechs painted in red and black, with a monoeye each and looking chonky but powerful 

 The attackers this time were only 3 mechs painted in red and black, with a monoeye each and looking chonky but powerful 

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