Chapter 17: The City of Eternity and Disappointment: eye-opening factors.

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The chapter where Squad 13 finally visits the glorified city of the Cerasus. Although now that this time they had seen a REAL city in their lives, how will their opinion about their city be affected? And how will Zorome react when he eventually realizes about the differences between APE's adults and the Federation's adults? And will he explore and get lost through the city alone this time? And what will everyone do once he is separated from everyone else? Read to find out!

Anyways, into the show!


APE's HQ 'Cosmos'...

Marmoset: - We just received a communication from Plantations 21 and 44: the mission has failed with the total loss of Plantations 15, 31 and 77 alongside their squadrons. –

Papa sighed as it showed that eliminating the Disavowed will prove to be harder than expected. They couldn't have the luxury of dividing their forces in two to hunt down the troublemakers considering they needed them for the siege. As such he was soon forced to make a decision he didn't like...

Papa: - Are you sure that nothing survived to their rampage? –

Marmoset: - Nothing. The reports and footage recovered coincide with what we feared after we lost communication with the expedition Plantations: all the cities were left in ruins and the recovered Franxx were damaged beyond recognition, and some bodies simply disappeared, presumably the survivors being picked off by the klaxosaurs after the battle. –

Papa: - Then that does it. We cannot risk any more units for another hunting expedition now that we are preparing for the siege... alert all Plantations about the Disavowed and order them all to rendezvous at the Gran Crevasse through any means possible. Those who are unlucky to encounter them will NOT engage them unless necessary. –

Gorilla: - But this will leave all the Eastern Plantations open to an attack from those terrorists! –

Papa: - We have no other choice on the matter. Only the likes of the 9's and Squad 13 are skillful enough to face them, but both squads are needed for the siege. –

Vice-Chairman: - And what about their mentors? Atlas squad has proven time and time again to be in a superior league to our regular ones. Maybe we can use the alliance pact to send them or another ace squad to deal with the Disavowed. –

Tarsier: - Hmmm... that sound like a good alternative. Unfortunately, the location of the Cerasus and the Oletros is too far away from the region that is now on danger. And from what data we have recollected, the Gran Crevasse lies through the shortest route available from the SMC ZO (Zone of Operations) towards the Eastern regions. This will reveal them to HER and maybe force her to act earlier. –

Vice-Chairman: - That's a good point... this calls for delicacy. What do you think we should do Papa? –

Papa: - I will think about a method involving such care... in the meantime, make sure to prepare plans for alternate routes that will allow our Plantations to reach safely to the Gran Crevasse without interference from our enemies. And we must hurry, activity detected deep inside indicate that the Princess is on the move with her plans again. Squad 13 duty is to escort code 02 there for the final phase once this mentorship with Atlas squad is over. –

Every one of the Seven Sages agreed before Tarsier soon added: - If I may suggest something? Recently it has been reported that the children of squad 13 are feeling 'homesick'. –

Marmoset: - Homesick? Homesick for what? Milstinteinn should be comfy enough to be considered their 'home'. –

Tarsier: - I have the theory that they have this feeling because of the impressions they had over their visit to the city of Avalon. After all, most of their interactions with the local population there made them feel welcome after they had successfully defended the future city. –

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