Chapter 16: Triangle bomb(s).

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The chapter were our bro Goro confessed and got rejected! Obviously, in here I'm going to make some modifications to allow what is essentially called "character development". Ichigo is a great gal and all, but I think that she could use some boosting on her character arc. Also, this will be a great chance to explore the effects of the influence that the SMC mentors are giving to their students for once, some worldbuilding, the debut of the MS of Gundam, and the debut of Squad 13's new mascot! Read and find out what that will be!

Into the show!


At the Cerasus, 1 day after the 2nd trial at night...

Dr. Franxx was seen being hard at work analyzing some data that he had acquired just recently and for a good reason too...

Dr. Franxx: "Papa has been pestering me 24/7 ever since the ark operation for any results about our 'allies' secrets... has he forgotten how delicate these sorts of operations are? One false move and it spells a diplomatic disaster... and after witnessing their combat prowess... I think is best for humanity to avoid more infighting for now..."

A beep was heard as the doctor looked at one of his terminals that displayed the following message: "Deciphering complete."

Dr. Franxx opened the archives and as he read them, he soon smirked with satisfaction: "Fortunately, this information will suffice for now. Thank you for your visit, code 703."

He then downloaded the files and just in time as another beep came from the console indicating that Papa was contacting him again...

Dr. Franxx: "Well, no point in delaying him..."

He opened the comms and soon enough, the pictures of the Seven Sages appeared in his screen...

Papa: - Werner, I hope that today you have a different tale about our 'diplomacy' with our recent allies... -

Dr. Franxx: - You're in luck then... passing you the collected data... -

He did so and explained all the important points that he had discovered during and after his diplomatic trip with the Oletros...

Dr. Franxx: - Unfortunately, I haven't discovered yet their secret source of energy since I couldn't risk provoking a security breach on their system: that secret is heavily safeguarded. The only things we know about it is that it combines Magma and Kojima energy together. –

Marmoset: - A shame, discovering their source and reverse engineering it can finish this war in our favor while reducing severely our losses. –

Tarsier: - I say that we force them to give it up. After all, we are the last true guardians of humanity, and those fools are being led by that traitor of Monkey... -

Gorilla: - Haven't you seen the footages from battle? Infighting between us and the RF will be costly for our side and will give the klaxosaur a big opportunity to attack us. And don't underestimate Monkey, there was a good reason to why he was the only one of us to work on the field rather than up here. –

Marmoset: - A position that in the end allowed him to fall on the lies of the enemy and defect us. And because he knew our tricks very well, that loose end was able to thrive. –

Vice chairman: - Order everyone... yes, the events with Monkey are regrettable and have now come back to bite our plans. But on the other hand, this also presents a big opportunity for our forces. Squad 13's performance has been enhanced exponentially thanks to their mentorship with 'Atlas' squadron, one of their best units in their army. –

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