Chapter 2: Dragon trap

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They went inside the cave with the Barrie's in their hands Carlos seemed nervous Booker asked what's wrong with you why are you so nervous for? Carlos replied to Booker saying that it's kinda dark and they are going near "man eating dragons."Who know what will happen! First off Carlos dragons don't eat meat the only eat vegetables and fruits. And second of all I am going to do a light spell so we can see so just stay calm and hold the Barrie's. Booker uses a light spell so they can see they look around the cave and there are no dragons or anything it's just empty.

Do you think the dragons left because they knew we were coming and there afraid of us? Carlos asked or maybe they got stolen by Scarlet? Shut up for one second Carlos let me think Booker said with a rude attitude. What if there in the cave but under ground? Carlos asked with excitement. Maybe that's possible Booker said.Hahahaha a squeaky voice laughing at Booker and Carlos. Do you hear that? Carlos asked Booker. I do but it can't be they don't usually be in dragon caves Booker said. Wait what? Carlos said confused. Ugh! SHOW YOURSELF STUPID FAIRY!

Booker angrily said. The fairy showed herself flying towards the golden light. Don't be so rude I'm fairies are better than you stupid Wizard and Witches especially Elves. Wait a minute Elves,Witches/Wizards, and Fairies hate each other but....why? Carlos said with confusion. Elves and Fairies are stupid Booker said. How dare you it's you Wizards/Witches and Elves that make problems happen Wizards/Witches and Elves don't know how to use magic the right way you need wands to harness your magic like us fairies besides using you wizards/witches and Elves using your hands to use magic The fairy said.

Wands are dumb Wizards/Witches don't need wands we can use our hands or spirit staffs Booker said. Oh those dumb spirit staffs that bond with you for every life time and helps you use magic. THAT'S A WAND! The fairy shouted. NO IT ISN'T! Booker screamed back at the fairy. Besides a star on a little stick a spirit staff has a spirit animal. Booker said. What about Elves what do they have? Carlos asked them both.

Well idiotic knight, The fairy said, Elves are spiritual creatures they have pointy ears and they are more into using magic by nature and energy while us fairies our magic is more of belief,hope, and the energy of nature The fairy said. And Wizards/Witches our magic is spiritual and belief. Booker said. But it's that all kinda the same? Carlos asked. Booker and the fairy looked at him with a stupid mad look a look that just makes you know you said something stupid. Never mind Carlos said.

Anyways where are all the dragons? Booker said. The dragons are in the secret room in the cave's walls The fairy said. Why are they in a secret are they in a secret room? Carlos asked. With no words the fairy looked at Carlos with a rude attitude and said Your not the brightest knight are you? No Carlos said looking sad and the fairy.

Can you get us to the room? Booker said. I can but it will cost you the fairy said with a smirk look in her face she opened her hand. Booker took three Dimond shell's out from his pocket and said "This is all that I have", So take it or leave it fairy! The fairy had in annoyed look on her face she looked at Bookers hand that holds the three Dimond shells. That's really all it?! The fairy said confused and disappointed. Yes so show us the room so we can get a dragon Booker said.

The fairy opened the door and let them inside. Booker gave the fairy the Dimond shells and him and Carlos walked inside. Oh by the way fairy, Carlos asked What's your name? It's Sasha you idiots and also have fun starving,The fairy said. Carlos and Booker looked confused they both new that dragons don't eat anything but fruits and Berries. The fairy closes the door behind them and put a protection spell on the door so they can't escape that way. Good luck getting out of there that's what y'all get for being cheap only giving me three Dimond shells what do I look like to you a poor fairy. I AM WORTH MORE THEN THREE DIMOND SHELLS! The fairy said angrily flying away

WHAT THE HELL! Booker shouted. She really trapped us in here how are we supposed to get out? Carlos asked. Booker tries to cast a spell to open the door it didn't work.So now what do we do Booker? Carlos asked but Booker just stood their. Can't the Dragons fly us out they are huge they can bust through rocks Carlos said. Maybe let's try Booker said, They give the berries that they had and open their hands so one of the dragons can eat them. One green scaled dragon crawled towards them and ate the berries. Hey tall huge dragon can you please help us get out Carlos asked the dragon nervously. The dragon looked at them and put it's head on the floor for a sign that they can ride out of the cave.

The dragon crawled while Carlos and Booker were on it's back and the dragon crawled to a corner of the cave so the other dragons wouldn't see them. The dragon took a deep breath and blew out a huge fireball that turned into a flames portal to a dark forest the dragon crawled inside the portal and when the dragon, Carlos, and Booker all went in the portal it closed behind them. Wait where are we? Carlos asked confused and scared. I think we're in the dead forest Booker said. The dead forest what is that? Carlos asked but before Booker could answer they get ambushed by a group of dark clothes people who chained them up and sprays them with Valerians so they can sleep. We got them now one of them said, so should we take their money or what? No we should take them to the boss he will know what to do with these thieves the other person said while they drag them into a house.

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