Chapter 4: Two Moms and one runaway

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Honey I have a special someone I want you to see Eleanor said while she entered the house with Booker and Carlos behind her. In a minute Eleanor I'm making some tea a voice coming from the kitchen said. Eleanor grabbed Booker's arm and walked to the kitchen Dear, beloved, Honey guess what Eleanor said with excitement. The woman looked back towards them with a cup of tea in her hand.

She gasped and dropped the tea cup from her hand and it smashed onto the floor. Booker? The woman said IT'S BEEN TWELVE YEARS SINCE YOU LEFT AND NOW YOU WANT TO SHOW UP WHAT THE HELL SURPRISING ME MAKING ME DROP MY TEA! She said to Booker. Mama don't be like that I had to leave that village we use to live in it wasn't a great place for me mentally Booker said. Ashley let's be happy that Booker is back home with us Eleanor said.

Carlos looks at old photos on the wall and sees a family photo with two kids a boy and a girl. Hey Booker is this you Carlos said. Yeah that's me and that over there is my twin sister Layla Booker said. Hey Moms where is Layla now? Booker said Layla is with her Husband they live in cloud island now Eleanor said. Wait Layla has a husband since when? Booker asked,Ever since last year she fell in love with this Elf man named Peter and they dated for a few months and got married Ashley said. Was there a wedding? Booker asked, Yeah there was We have been writing letters for you for years trying to keep in contact did you get them? Eleanor asked. Umm about the letters I kinda...Ashley cut Booker off before he could say anything else.

Did Booker ever get those letter of course he did he probably didn't care to read them though so Booker Ashley said with in attitude What were you doing with those letters did you read them, burn them, or did you just throw them away like you did with the family? Ashley said. Okay you know what mama your right I didn't read them I threw them away and burned them because I'm still angry at you both. I'M STILL MAD AT YOU BOTH ALL I WANTED WAS THE TRUTH ON WHO MY BIRTH PARENTS WERE BUT INSTEAD YOU TWO JUST DIDN'T WANT TO TELL ME YOU TWO KNOW WHO THEY ARE DON'T YOU WHY I HAVE BEEN SEEING THOSE DREAMS WHAT IS GOING ON? Booker said to them.

Fine you want to know the truth Booker will tell you everything you want to know,Ashley said. Okay I'm ready when y'all are, Booker said. It all started back in the frog town the citizens there elected me to be there new mayor. Eleanor said, Then me and your Mother celebrated drank some wine and had fun until we saw a witch at our door step. She was holding two babies she told us to take care of them and to never let your birth father know where you two where. She said that your birth father was a dangerous wizard he was studying shadow magic she gave us two twin moon crystal necklaces and told us to give this to them when there twenty four. Ashley said to Booker and Carlos, So my birth father was studying shadow magic why didn't my mother just ran away with me and Layla? Booker asked She wanted to but she had this symbol on her arm it looked like a snake, Ashley said.

Does Layla know? Booker asked, Yes Eleanor said. We should go save the princess and Queen of Mysticore. Carlos said, There in the shadow realm kidnapped who knows what Scarlet is doing to them in there. Well I guess you two should stay here for the night flying near the diamond shell minds in the dark is bad luck. Eleanor said. No it isn't parents just say that so there kids don't go near those cave's so their kids don't get hurt. Booker said. Well remember when you and Layla went inside and you blasted magic at one of them and the spell hit you right back and you got hurt?Ashley asked,

Booker looked at his left hand and remembered what happened that day.Carlos looks at Booker confused by why he is staring at his hand. Carlos puts his hand on Booker's shoulder and says are you okay? Yeah yeah I'm okay um where will we be sleeping moms? Oh upstairs in the guest bedroom sadly we only have one bed in there so one of you can sleep on the floor unless you two are a couple are you two a couple? Eleanor asked, No mom we are just partners we just work together, Booker said. Carlos and Booker went upstairs to the room it is a small room with a one bed and a chair by the window. So I'll sleep on the floor you can sleep on the bed since this is your Mother's house Carlos said. Yeah okay that fine with me Booker said.

A few hours pass by and Booker finds a purple hand mirror under the bed with writing on the back of the mirror it says which will you choose the lies or the truth the choice is yours but what you see will change your reality forever. Booker reads what is on the back and looks into the mirror and then he falls asleep on the bed while Carlos is downstairs talking to Booker's Moms looking through old family photos. Booker falls in this dark hole and hits the ground "Ouch!" Booker said. Where am I Carlos!, Moms!, Dragon! Booker screamed no one was there he looks around and sees a cave with light he walks towards it and sees a man and a woman. Hello where am I? Booker asked they ignored him they kept doing as they were doing. We can't do this Craig! They are just babies, The woman said to Craig. We will, there are three of them we can just take there magic Craig said.

Your a monster there our babies, The woman said to him. Fine I'll do it myself move out of my way Nova I'm doing this and you can't stop me Craig said. Craig slapped Nova and she hit the floor as Craig takes on of the babies towards a  Genie. Genie please teach me your way of magic and give my first born baby as a sacrifice for knowledge Craig said. I won't be sacrificing her I will trap her so she can be my servant for many years to come. The Genie said. Please Genie don't take my baby she is just my baby Nova said. You had triplets right? The Genie asked. Yes we do, do you want them as well? Mr. Genie sir Craig asked No I don't not yet just her The Genie said. Nova grabs the Genies hand and cries PLEASE DON'T TAKE MY BABY PLEASE! The Genie smacks Nova off of him. Did you name the girl yet? The genie asked, No we didn't you can name her Craig said. Her name will be Naseeka the genie said while flying away with the baby. I have another sister? Booker said and then the cave's started to collapse and he saw Nova take baby him and Layla and went out into the woods.Craig casted a tracking spell on Nova's arm as a snake so he can find her where ever she goes. A door appears out of no wear calling for Booker to open it. Booker goes out the cave near the door and opens the door he sees a room that is all white and has one table he goes inside the door closing it behind him and then he walks closer to the table and sees two hand mirrors one that is red and the other is blue there is a note on the table.

The note of the table says that the blue mirror you have to look at it and your soul goes back to the real world with no knowledge of the memories of what you saw and the red mirror you keep finding the truth and you go into a deeper rabbit hole as you continue finding the truth. Booker looks at both of them and feels like something or someone is watching him.

Booker turns around and sees a white light figure of a person standing they are so bright you can't even see them. Who are you? Booker asked, I am a messenger I want to show you the truth if that's what you want or I can send you home the decision is yours Booker. The messenger said. The messenger gave Booker both mirrors from the table, What do you want do you want to continue down the rabbit hole or go back to your body with no knowledge? The messenger asked Booker. Booker looked at both mirrors and said I want to continue down the rabbit hole. Then the blue mirror broke into pieces and the red mirror glowed bright red and swallowed up Booker and Booker fell downwards towards a glass floor.

So where am I know? Booker asked, the messenger looked at Booker and snapped their fingers and the whole floor shattered but Booker didn't fall he was floating on the air. This place is the mirror realm filled with memories and dreams everyone has I brought you here because your whole life you felt like in outcast an orphan but you aren't alone you have two moms that love you and a sister so why do you still want to do this? The messenger asked Because I want to learn the truth where I came from and who I really am I need to learn the truth I don't care how long I'm in here for I need to find out where Naseeka is and I want to find her and save her if she is still alive, Booker said. She is so do you want to go through her memories and find her? The messenger said. Yes I do Booker said. They go back to all Naseeka's memories to when she was a baby.

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