Chapter 8: Shadow realms  prophecy

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Booker, Carlos, and Spark fly through the mountains to find the ancient ones.
They see a suspicious cave that had light inside so they went in. They saw an old lady walking inside holding an orb. They flew down to talk to her. Hey ma'am we are looking for some- before Carlos could say anything else he got cut off by the lady. You three are looking for the ancient ones aren't you?, the lady says. She chuckles and walks inside come in we have been waiting for you she says. They follow her in the cave as they go inside the cave closes locking them inside.

They walk closer to a huge room with a fountain and orbs flouting around them the lady takes off her cloak. I'm glad to be home sorry but my friends are all working on something but I'll help you three get into the shadow realm the lady says. Okay but who are you? Booker asks. She looks at them with her one eye and smiles. I'm Mara darling's, now enough about me we need to start making a portal she says while getting salt. She gets the salt and makes a circle with it. Then she grabs three candles and puts them near the circle. I have a question for you Booker Mara says, Do you know where magic comes from? She says while Booker looks confused. It comes from your head or unicorn's he says nervously.

Mara grabs a wooden spoon and hits him with it. Stupid wizard, No! No! No! Magic comes from the heart from belief she says. How is knowing magic going to help us get to the shadow realm? Booker says. It will help because you need to know one thing about magic where it comes from also you magic is wild you can't destroy or control it but embrace it she says. She gives Carlos a bell and Carlos, Booker, and Spark all got on the circle to take them to the shadow realm. Ring the bell when you're ready to come back Mara says. A pink circle appears on the salt circle they fall on the floor and enter the shadow realm.

We're at the shadow realm Booker says, they get on Spark and fly towards the castle and see all the fire and skulls on the floor where they were. They go to the front entrance to the castle leaving Spark there. They slowly go inside and see spirits flying near them. Booker casts a light spell and they burn turning into ash. So shadows hate light noted Carlos says. Clearly why are you so shocked? light kills darkness Booker says as they move upstairs towards the dungeons. They find the princess and king chained up. King Henry Princess Luna are you two hurt? Carlos asked. I'm okay but my father he is stabbed Princess Luna said. Okay will get you both out of here Booker said. Booker cast a spell to make the dungeon gate disappear. Carlos and Booker unchained the king and princess and Carlos lifts the king and runs.

They ran and got on Spark. Carlos rang the bell and they teleported to the cave. We did it! Carlos said happy, I'm so happy you all made it out alive One of the ancient ones said. Wait there are five ancient ones? Booker said. Yes I'll introduce you to them this is Alice she is a crystal maker she gives crystals magic, This is Nino he is a potion maker, This is Lee they are a item maker they made the eight powerful items, This is Jay he is a physic, And I'm Maya I'm the leader of the ancient ones I basically just lead people to where they need to go.
So your all just old poor people that help people? Princess Luna said. We are only three thousand years old kid,Alice said. Can you help the king? Carlos said. Yes we can Nino said,here drink this it will heal you. Nino gave King Henry the potion and he drank it and his stab wounds were healed.

Okay now let's take you to the castle Queen Rose will be happy to see you Booker said. Ha! You still don't get it do you? Jay said, Get what? Carlos said. Queen Rose is the one who wanted King Henry dead she isn't who she says she is. Queen Rose is a girl named Naseeka, Jay said, She wants to take over Mysticore by taking Princess Lina's magic but she can't do it forcing her Luna you need to willingly give them to her. Why does she want to do this? Princess Luna asked, Because the woman is crazy she is power hungry Mara said, and there is no reasoning with crazy. Booker are you okay? Carlos asked, My sister was the queen she wants to take over the world?Booker said scared. You guys need to go and stop her, her plan won't be complete without Luna.

They get on Spark and before they left Mara asked Booker to talk to him for a minute. Yes Mara? Booker asks, Don't hide your feelings for him now go stop the prophecy. Which one Jay asks, The one where five teenagers will travel from another dimension and will help us find peace or the one where Naseeka will ruin a lot of lives? The destiny that they will go through will be insane let's hope our world and others will be safe Mara says. They fly towards mysticore castle and they enter the castle leaving Spark outside. They go to the throne room and find Naseeka sitting on her throne holding a sword while scarlet is standing by her side. I've been waiting for you all to be here now daughter give my your magic or I'll kill your father Naseeka said.

Naseeka back down your plans to take over Mysticore is over Booker said. Oh brother how sweet but my plans have just begun Naseeka says. Naseeka stands up from her throne and goes near King Henry and cuts his head off. Long live the King Naseeka says while laughing. FATHER! Luna screams while her eyes turn pink and she blasts magic at her mother. How stupid are you, I gave you a chose now I guess I have to just lock you up. Booker blasts his magic but Naseeka shields herself, Little brother I'm more powerful than you Naseeka says while she stabs Scarlet in the heart. My Queen why? Scarlet says crying. I don't need you anymore Naseeka says with a smile on her face.

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