Chapter 10: Two lovers escape the Galaxy

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Yes we need help Booker said while holding Carlos's hips. The spaceship hovers over them and a beam of light hits them flying them inside the ship. A20 are you sure we can trust them? Quite A30! A20 says looking at a worrying Booker and Carlos. Okay this might be weird I'm A20 this is my partner A30 we are trying to find the planet Earth can you help us? A20 says, ALIENS!! Carlos screams out. We aren't what you humans call "Aliens" we are Kree we are creatures from another planet, A30 says.

Kree? Human's? What are you guys talking about and why do y'all look like six foot tall lizard? Booker says, okay first Kree are intelligent beings who can shape shift into anything we want. Second humans beings from earth but you two aren't from earth your from our neighboring planet called Mysticor so I'm guessing the unicorns created a copy of humans based on the first ones Adam and Eve but since unicorns are magical it went different like how your clouds can talk and theirs can't A20 says.

So you are from another planet and are trying to go to earth the planet that is outside of our galaxy? Yes we are our planet is called Scale A30 says smiling. Alright then can you take us home? Carlos says to them. A20 and A30 agrees and they blast off towards Mysticore and lands on the ground near the castle. Carlos and Booker goes out of the spaceship and A20 and A30 goes off into outer space to go to Earth. Booker teleports Carlos and himself to the castle where he finds Naseeka covered in scars and her arm is burned. Naseeka that ring it's corrupting you, can't you see that? Booker says while Naseeka looks at them with tears in her eyes.

You're turning into a monster please stop while you still can Carlos says. SHUT UP! Naseeka yells out of anger her eyes turn red and she snaps her fingers but nothing happens to them. But instead the ring sucks out all her magic and darkness making her faint in the process. Naseeka! Booker cries out loud. But she doesn't respond the ring glows and controls Naseeka's Raven Aamon to grab the ring off of Naseeka's finger and the ring starts to open a portal to Earth and Aamon while holding the ring goes through it and drops the ring on the ground and goes back in the portal.

Did the ring just escape? Carlos asked, I guess so Booker said. Booker holds Naseeka in his arms and takes her to Spark then Luna turns back to normal and so does Spark. Booker is everything okay Luna says while Booker shows her Naseeka's dead body on spark. So what are we gonna do with her take her to the mer people so they can eat her? Luna says jokingly, You know Mermaids and Mermen don't eat anything but other sea people that are not that intelligent Booker says. Yeah I know Luna says with disappointment. What we should do it free her soul and bury her body somewhere Carlos says.

They all fly to the ancient ones cave where they help free Naseeka's spirit. We have something to say Booker says nervously to them, The ring of Darkness it's gone. I told them already Jay says, I told them that it was also a stupid idea to make the ring because it only causes destruction and death. And you also said we will all die in 1,024 years in another world Mara said. Yeah I said that last year wait until it happens Jay says. What does all the powerful items do?

So the five finger ring bracelet basically gives you the power of strength, The pocket watch gives anyone the power to time travel but when you go through time you can't change what happens but you can keep the stuff that happened to still happen, This note book gives anyone the power to creates illusions by writing a sentence, The shell necklace gives anyone the power to create shields and force fields, The Darkness ring or ring of darkness as you've seen gives anyone the power to control darkness by the anger you have inside yourself and uses your energy to destroy, This glasses gives anyone the power to make you see a person's weakness, and The gloves gives anyone the power to control elements, The earrings gives anyone the power to multiply yourself Lee says.

You basically made the ring so someone can steal it or what? Luna says. No I made it so it could save people but it didn't end well but I doubt anything bad will happen that ring won't be activated unless there is a high level of magic in the world but it's Earth a world with no magic possible Lee says. Well... Jay says but Lee says well nothing, nothing bad will happen. Anyway now what Naseeka is dead and now I guess you are ruler of the kingdom of Mysticor now Luna Mara says. I actually want to make the castle something different I want it to be a school of magic can y'all help me with working on that? Luna says. Yes we can Mara says.

Two years and Mysticore is peaceful. Booker talks to his family again, Luna lives with Layla and Eric on Cloud island with their daughter Hope. Booker got his Spirit animal it's a Fox and his name is Marcus, The ancient ones are preparing notes so the next ancient ones will be prepared, Imani and her Vampire gang split up because Imani found herself a cool Mermaid girlfriend, The fairies, Wizards/Witches, and Elves are all in piece with each other, Some of the trolls moved to the mountains because they liked the weather, Bookers ex werewolf boyfriend Luke got cursed with bad luck by Layla, and as for Carlos and Booker they got married and adopted baby triplets Britney, Jake, and Henry and they still have Spark she lives in their front yard of their cabin house.

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