chapter 2

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"What?" I said as I looked at Noah who was standing at the doorway. He placed his bag on the ground and came towards us.

"No," he said again.

"But..." I started but he gave me a stern look.

"No" he sat on the chair beside mine and pecked my forehead before moving my plate of food towards him as he start eating.

I sat there in silence for a few moments until I stood up and stomped my foot on the ground.

"I am going to New York University and that is final. You two can't change my mind" I yelled at them. Caleb gave me a scolding look but Noah only focuses on his food as if telling me his words are final.

"If you don't let me go I will not talk to you ever again," I said to Caleb and he seems a little perplexed.

"Just like the last time where you couldn't even last for six hours and you started talking to us," Noah said nonchalantly while drinking my juice. He reminded me of the last time when I threatened them with that when he wasn't buying me a car.

"But I got my car," I said with a little pride.

"Yeah which you still couldn't drive!" He gave me a look.

"I will cry then," I said and this seems to affect him as he stood up and turned away as if to leave. Whatever happens, they don't like me crying or even letting me. I looked at Caleb.

"Please Kay..." I pleaded with Caleb who looked in thought.

"Muffin you know that we don't want anything bad for you. We just think new york is not for you. The people there are... not like you" he explained but I wasn't having it as I felt tears swirl in my eyes.

"Don't?" he said to me when he looked at my tears.

"Caleb let her be, she needs to realize she can't get everything," Noah said gravely I gave them one look and then I ran towards my room. I locked my room and went towards my laptop.

"I am going to New York, they can't stop me," I said as I used my bank account to pay my fee. I have enough money in my account. I can live on my own without their help. They have to listen to me!

After that, I slept and didn't go out of the room even for lunch. It was near dinner time when a knock came on my door.

"Al" a soft yet deep voice sounded from the opposite side. It was Noah!

"Come on, I know you are awake." He said but I sat on my bed reading my book.

"Come on buddy, I haven't seen you for a week," he said in a small voice and I instantly melt. I stood and went towards the door feigning ignorance as I opened the door and went back to read my book. He sighed and sat with me.

"I brought you new books," he said as he gave me a huge bag with a lot of books. I wanted to squeal in happiness but had to put up the act. If he will realize that I am angry with him then he will go with my decision or even will convince Caleb.

"So we are not talking huh?" He elbowed me lightly but I remained focused on the book. He then sat quietly after that when hood 10 minutes passed I was the one who looked at him to see him already looking at me with his teasing smirk.

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