chapter 26

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I woke up screaming and thrashing as I felt like Jack is touching me again. I tried to stop him, pushing him away from me but he wasn't budging. I was out of breath as the tears fall down my cheeks profusely

"Wake up!" A deep voice sounded from somewhere above me. I was too far yet it was comforting.

"Open your eyes, princess," someone said and I thought it was Mr handsome, my Mr handsome. I immediately open my eyes, and I saw a figure of a man leaning over me through my blurry eyes and then I cling to his neck.

"Please help me... please stop him. Tell him to go away." I pleaded with him. His arms comes around me as he gently caressed my back and I felt immense relief.

"Please Mr handsome, please help me," I said once more, my eyes were closed as I was hiding my face in his neck. He smells of cigarettes and his natural cologne a cologne that I know too well. The arms around me loosen instantly and he tensed.

"It's me, kitten," he said his voice a little frustrated. I opened my eyes as I moved away from him. I was in his room, on his bed. He was the one who was comforting me and I... I thought it was Mr handsome. He looked bothered as he gazed at me.

"You are alright, I have you," he said as he lightly caressed my cheeks wiping the remaining tears. I stopped crying as my initial shock subsides I felt regret for calling him Mr handsome. It feels so wrong!

He stood up and I looked around the room, his room was the same as him all black, cold and dark yet so serene. I felt relief around him, in his sanctuary. On my right side, there were large room-to-floor windows that leads to a high balcony. I can't help but admire the view from here. From here I can see the stars and the moon in all their glory.

He cleared his throat and when I looked at him he was holding out a glass of water for me. I was parched so I gulped down the whole content of the glass in one go. He gave me a sharp look and frowned a little.

"Easy!" He said and I turn red and slowed down. He sighed and sat in front of me after putting the empty glass on the side table. He holds my both hands in his much larger hands. I can't help but admire the way my hands fit his perfectly as if they are made for each other. I was still in my thoughts when he moved my hands towards his lips and kissed both of my hands and then ... he pressed my hands on both of his closed eyes as he sighed.

"Never in my life had I ever felt those emotions, I never thought I am capable of being... you got me scared, Kitten. I thought I won't be able to see you again and ..." my hands were still pressed to his eyes as he opened his heart in front of me for the first time in my life. I can tell it's taking everything in him to open up. I never thought Hunter of all people would be so worried for me.

"I don't want to feel like that ever again!" He decided as he looked up at me, my hands still in his now in his lap. As he caresses his thumb over the backside.

"Got it?" He said sternly and a smile appear on my lips at his way of scolding me.

"I never intend to do that in the first place... it all happened ..." I paused as I think back to everything that happened a few hours ago. I closed my eyes as I took deep breath. I have had enough of crying for today, I don't think I have the energy to cry anymore.

"I told you to wait for me at the bookshop, why did you leave?" He asked me, he was upset with me that I can tell.

"He called me ... and I thought he is hurt. He was so sad and I thought he needed a friend. I never thought he would do something like that. He was my good friend" I said in a small voice as a tear streamed down my cheek. He wiped it with his thumb.

"Don't waste your tears for someone like him?" he said in a firm yet gentle voice. I looked up at him and that thought I had a few days ago struck me again. How I wish he was him! Mr handsome!

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