chapter 3

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Today is Sunday and after two days I will be in New York and from next week I will start my university. My brothers wanted me to go a few days before so I could settle in. They are also sending Mary with me, my childhood nanny. She will be there to take care of me which I don't want but still oblige so that my brothers won't worry too much.

My packing is almost done, I have packed 5 bags with me, two of which are filled with my books and the others with my clothes, shoes, bags and other accessories. I know it's too much but I am still leaving half of my things here. My brothers have spoiled me a little bit.

Mary was packing my last bag when my phone rang, I looked at the time and my face lights up.

"Okay Mary, I will take it from here," I said as I impatiently waited for her to go out. She eyes me warily but then shakes her head walking out while mumbling "this child is crazy" and I giggled. I locked the door once she was out and ran to my phone which was continuously ringing.

I composed myself before picking up, I was already blushing even though I haven't even talked to him.

"Hey, Princess!" A deep voice came from the other end and for a moment I closed my eyes and sighed. His voice always does that to me.

"Hi.. how are you?" I said while twirling my hair with my free hand and smiling like a crazy girl.

"Good, what are you doing?" He asked and I can feel he is smiling.

"I was packing my bags," I told him and then I told him about everything, how I am selected to New York University and how I convinced both Caleb and Noah. He listened to me calmly but I can sense the change.

He mostly listens to me, he says that its a therapy when I talk to him. He doesn't speak much, I don't know much about him but he says that he doesn't have anyone, he lives alone.

I first talked to him 2 years ago when I was 16, I got my first cell phone from Caleb and after a few days I got a call from him, it was the wrong number. He was trying to call someone else but after that, we start talking.

I instantly fell in love with his voice. I haven't seen him till now, we only talk on the phone. He has also not seen me, we are still strangers but also not strangers because he knows so much about me but I on the other know only basic things. He doesn't talk much about himself and his life, whenever I talk about it he gets a little angry so I don't ask him about that.

He is six years older than me but to me, it feels like I am talking to someone of my age. He never makes me feel like I am talking to an older guy. Nobody knows about him, he had asked me to keep it a secret. It's our secret! At first, it seemed weird to me when he told me not to tell my brothers about him but then I let that go.

We don't even know each other names, so he calls me Princess and I call him 'Mr. handsome' even though I haven't seen him but I know he is good-looking. When he talked to me at first he told me he recently broke up with his girlfriend, he was very depressed at that time. He even wanted to kill himself but then we met and he said that I brought him out of that phase.

He said I am his healer which I found weird because when we talk I only talk about myself and my life, he is a good listener and well, I am the speaker. Whenever I read a book I tell him the whole story. He is a very silent person and only speaks when it's necessary or when I ask something. But his answers mostly range between yes and no. It bothered me before but now I like talking to him, I want him to know everything about me.

We only talked every Sunday, it's our ritual. We would talk for hours about almost everything. But in my heart somewhere I have a huge crush on him and I feel like he also likes me because he never got into any relationship after his first break-up. Maybe someday one of us would be strong enough to confess.

But I am getting impatient now for him to confess so I am taking things into my hands. I am thinking of meeting him once I will be in New York because he also lives in New York. He is also the big reason for me to move to New York because I wanted to be close to him. I wanted to meet him in person and tell him how I feel for him.

I feel like it's him that is made for me, my soul mate. I do believe in soul mates and happy endings. And I want my happy ending with him. I just can't wait to be in New York.

"Okay princess, it's dinner time so go have your dinner. We will talk next Sunday now. Bye" his voice held authority and I smiled widely even though I can't see him. He cares for me!

"Bye..." 'I love you', but I didn't say the last part out loud because, for some reason, I can't make myself say that to him, not yet!

When I cut the call I sat there for half an hour thinking about him but my mind was only going to one thing, how he wasn't as excited for me to come to New York as I am. It bugged me a little how he didn't even say once that we will meet or something like that.

When I told him how I wanted to pursue my study in New York a few months ago he tried to talk me out of it by saying that New York is not for me and I will not adjust there but I was quite adamant and I didn't listen to him.

It was our first real fight we didn't talk for two weeks and I was the one who called him putting away my anger. And we never talked about it but we both knew that I am not changing my mind so he never talked me out of it again. And in my heart, I was convinced that he will come to terms with my decision but now...

But now it makes me rethink my idea, am I making the biggest mistake of my life by going against everyone's word? I just hope it turns out well for me. I sent a silent prayer to God to help me and make everything better for me ahead!

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