chapter 34

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Everything is getting better day by day, Hunter and I are together now, we are a couple! Even though I haven't told anyone of the happiness and how my face the people around me know. Mary doubted me, she would ask me if I am seeing someone but I would always lie to her. I can't tell her yet, I know she will tell my brothers and they will not be happy.

My finals are drawing closer, and I spend most of my time in the library. Even when I am at home I sleep late. But even through all of this, I find time for Hunter. He also started his education from where he left, privately. And I am so happy for him, I try to help him as much as I can but most of the time he doesn't need my he'll, he is very smart.

After my papers, I have to leave for a few days for my hometown as it's been a long since I saw Caleb and Noah. I missed them but Hunter doesn't want me to leave him.

"You have to go for that many days?" He asked as we sat side by side in the library.

"It's only for a week, I miss my brothers and I know they too miss me." I calmly told him as I kept making notes.

"What will I do then, without you here?" He asked me, I looked up at him and he has a frown on his face. He looked like a child throwing a tantrum.

"What do you usually do" I shrugged and this made him frown more.

"But your birthday is coming too," he said.

"Uhmm..." I don't know what to say, so it was all about that. He wants me to celebrate my birthday with him. But my brothers will eat my head out if I won't spend it with me. I wish I could tell them about Hunter but I am afraid of their reaction.

"It's okay, you don't have to worry," he said as he smiled at me softly and then went to read what he was reading. I looked at him for a moment then I sighed and leaned towards him. I kissed his cheek.

"I will miss you, I promise we will celebrate my next birthday together," I said and he smiled at me but it didn't reach his eyes.

After spending some time there he dropped me off at the bookshop. He had to go somewhere. I told Hailey a little about Hunter when she saw me one day sitting at a restaurant with him. It was our first official date and I wore red, his favourite colour!

She saw me and then I had to tell her but asked her to keep it a secret. I know it bothers Hunter that I don't want to tell anyone but it's not because I am ashamed of him or something like that. It's just I want my brothers to know it before anyone else. Rachel also has some doubts as she often see us leaving and entering the building together but thankfully didn't ask me about it.

I feel like I am lying to everyone, I want to tell everyone but I know now is not the right time.

My exams ended yesterday and all went good. So today I am leaving for home, Mary already left yesterday. She went to meet her daughter. So I am going alone, hunter dropped me off at the Airport on a car. He said it's Marcus's car, I couldn't sit on the bike with the suit case so we ditched Bella for today.

"I am going to miss you" I said as I hugged him. He pecked the crown of my head and hugged me back. We stayed like this for good 10 minutes but then I had to move away.

"I will call you daily, don't miss me too much" I said.

"That's impossible" he said and I smiled.

"Bye" I told him as I pecked his cheek. In return he pecked my forehead.

"Have a safe flight" he said and I walked away. Once I was near the entrance I turned around to see him and as expected he was still there. We are together for months now and leaving him behind like that us doing things to me. I waved at him with a big smile, he nodded lightly with a small smile. I'd it were up to him he wouldn't have let me go.

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