chapter 12

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'We are in Night Club!'

I didn't know she was taking me here to a nightclub if I knew before I wouldn't have come. Coming to New York is one thing, but coming to a place like this... it's a whole different thing. If my brothers get to know of this, they will never talk to me again.

"Hailey, I want to leave," I told her for the nth time, but she again declined me and pouted at me.

"It's my birthday Alara, come on! We will leave in an hour, " she said, and then she started talking to Zoe. We were in a booth away from the prying eyes, but we had a clear view of the dance floor from here.

"Stop acting like a bitch it's Hailey's day let her enjoy. You shouldn't have come!" Sabrina scoffed as she looked annoyed at me. I was embarrassed at the way she was belittling me and I also felt bad for ruining their fun.

"Behave Sabrina!" Hailey scolded her.

"Whatever!" She scoffs and both Zoe and her went towards the dancing floor not before saying.

"Hailey, are you coming or babysitting?" She huffed and glared at me.

"I am sorry Hailey, it's just I don't like this kind of place and... " I felt like crying.

"Hey it's okay you don't have to say sorry, I should have told you before coming here I thought you will like it here and ... my bad!" she sighed and gently caresses my shoulder.

"It's okay I will sit here you go enjoy, I will wait for you," I told her, she didn't look sure but then Zoe called her I smiled at her motioning her to go join them.

"Okay but stay here and if you feel uncomfortable we will go back," she said and I nodded.

I was sitting alone in the booth feeling like a sore thumb. They were dancing on the dance floor, and Sabrina went somewhere with a guy. Zoe and Hailey also had company, once in a while, Hailey would look in my direction to make sure I am fine and I would smile at her to ensure her.

I feel like I am running her fun so I decided to go back home. I looked at Hailey to tell her that I am leaving but she was busy dancing with a blonde guy so I texted her. Then I stood up and was about to leave the booth when a waiter came with a drink.

"Miss that guy over there bought you a drink," he told me and I got nervous as I looked in the direction of a guy, No a man! probably in his late 40s winked at me. I visibly tensed and politely declined the drink as I head out.

On my way, I bumped into a guy who glared at me but his glare soften as he took me in. He was bald and his arms and face has a lot of tattoos, I felt intimidated. He smiled weirdly at me as he looked me up and down.

"Where are you going beautiful?" He asked me and I stepped back a little as his gaze made me uncomfortable.

"Let's dance!" He said as he held my hand and tried to push me along with him towards the dance floor. I pulled my hand away but his grip was strong.

"Come on babe don't be a spoiled brat!" He huffed and I can tell his patience is running out. I looked around for Hailey or Zoe or even Sabrina but they were nowhere to be seen.

"Please leave me... I am not comfortable" I told him and he rolled his eyes at me.

"Do you think I care?" He huffed.

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