chapter 33

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"I love you, hunter," I said, and he stilled. His eyes studied mine deeply as if trying to see if I was staying the truth.

"I... I... " He started, but he couldn't complete his sentence. I wanted to hear those words back from him, but for some reason, his not being able to say them back to me doesn't bother me that much. Instead, it made me smile. The way he was nervous and a little taken aback.

"You don't have to say that back to me right now," I said, and he sighed in relief. I should be disappointed that he didn't say that, but I wasn't. I don't need to hear those three words to know that he loves me because his actions and his words earlier had told me enough. I would rather him show me his feelings with his actions than words.

He pulled me up with my hand from the kneeling position and made me sit beside him.

"Your place is here," he said as he held my hand and placed it on his heart which was beating wildly. A smile illuminated my face at the fact that it was beating for me. I looked up at him, and we were too close. I couldn't help but lean forward and pecked his cheek lightly. My lips lingered for a moment there, and then I turned red.

I have never done that before even though it's only a small peck on the cheek, but for me, it's too much. He was also stunned at my action and looked at me. His eyes held all sorts of emotions, but adoration tops it all. I cleared my throat as I stood up, looking away at the door.

"Go freshen up, I will bring food for you," I said and didn't wait as I walked out of the door to my apartment. I packed the food that Mary made for me. It was enough for the two of us. I tiptoed to the door so as not to wake Mary up. If she woke up, she would ask questions, and I couldn't tell her about Hunter yet.

I stood in front of his door, my hand itching to put the code in that I already knew, but I didn't want to be a prude, so I rang the bell. The door opened as the hunter came into view, his hair was wet and he was wearing simple white T-shirt and black trousers.

And still, he looks handsome as ever, there is something in him that made me fall for him all over again as I see him every time. It's a feeling so beautiful yet so alarming.

"You know the code already," he told me, and I smiled sheepishly but didn't say anything as I walked inside towards his kitchen and set two plates for us. We silently finished our dinner. I was hungry beyond words, and I was the first one to finish my dinner.

I waited for him to finish, and when he was done, he took both our plates and put them in the dishwasher. I remember the time when I last came here and I didn't see the dishwasher as I washed all those dirty dishes.

"Come," he said as he took my hand and walked me towards the couch in the living room. I wanted to say I should go back now, but my heart was telling me to shut up and stay here for as long as I can. I don't want to leave him.

We sat beside each other as I placed my head on his shoulder and his arms around me. With one of his hands caressing my hair. The other lightly grazing my other hand is in my lap. He smelled of a nice body shower and his scent free of the scent of smoke.

"Who hurt you?" I asked. He stayed quiet for a moment, then thought better of it as he spoke.

"Alara... I fight for a living, " he told me, and I frowned a little. I wanted to look up at him, but his hands in my hair were too comfortable.

"What do you mean? Like in a boxing ring?" I asked like a kid.

"In an underground fighting club," he said, and I scowled. I don't like it, that does explain the old bruises on his chest which are hidden under the tattoos.

"I don't like your profession." I don't want to say it, but it just came out of my mouth. He chuckled a little.

"Me too, but it is the only way I can earn. I don't have any degree. I stopped going to school a long time ago." He said in a small voice as if he is ashamed of himself.

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