chapter 8

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I walked into the building hungry and tired, I just want a bed and warm food right now. I was about to make my way toward the elevator when I saw that rude guy waiting for the elevator, he was smoking again. I made my way toward Sarah who was sitting on the other side of the reception desk.

"Aren't you going?" She asked pointing towards the elevator which just opened and he went inside. Only then he looked at me but I didn't make a move to go toward him.

"Nah! I will pass" I huffed. She eyed me curiously. I looked at the guy who pressed his floor and stood straight still smoking. Before the doors closed he gave me a small smile and I scoffed.

"What's going on here?" She asked a little taken aback as she looked forth and back at the elevator and me.

"I despise that guy, he is so egoistic, rude, and whatnot. I haven't met someone like him before so heartless" I told her and her eyes widen.

"Sshh you shouldn't talk about him like that.." she whispered looking here and there.

"Why?" I frowned. I am telling the truth!

"Is he the owner of this building??" I asked as my eyes widen.

"No, he is not, it's Mr. Darian Langstone who owns this building and several others in New York. He is one of the most successful businessmen in this city" she told me and I relaxed.

"So why are you scared of him?" I asked.

"Because he is someone special to Mr. Langstone, everybody calls him hunter and I have been told to stay away from him because he is dangerous..." she whispered and then looked around once again and lean towards me.

"It's a rumor that Mr. Langstone is from the mafia and Hunter is his right-hand man, he has killed thousands of people for him," she said and the hairs on the back of my neck stood. And here I was being so rude to him, I should have kept quiet. He does give a dark aura.

"Oh, God... " I mumbled as I looked at her wide-eyed.

"And also Mr. Langstone lives in Italy, Hunter is the one who takes care of his things here in New York" I gulped. He is one powerful and dangerous man!

"You should stay away from me and don't mess with him or piss him off, last receptionist yelled at him and she disappeared the next day" she shivered in fear.

"Sarah... please, I don't want to hear anything more. I understood I won't even look at him again" I told her and walked towards the elevator. The walk to the apartment was in haze as I think back to all the times I yelled and cursed at him. I just hope he doesn't pay much attention and won't do anything to me.

"Where were you?" Mary asked as she opened the door, she looked not too happy. I told her about the cat and how I took her to the animal shelter. I left the details of Hunter not wanting to scare her because I know she will tell Noah or Caleb instantly and they would Barge here the next moment.

"Okay the food is ready, I will set the plates for you," she said as she walked towards the kitchen and I walked to my room shrugging all the thoughts of that blue-eyed monster. I won't even glare at him from now on.


The next day I woke up at 10 and by 11 I was all set to go to the library. I received Jake's text 5 minutes ago saying he is on his way. So I also hurried and went out. I said bye to Mary who told me to come back soon. She was watching some show on the TV, she is either cooking or cleaning or... watching TV.

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