chapter 20

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"Here's your coffee!" Mary came into my room while I was preparing for my test.

"Thank you, I needed it!" I smiled at her and took a sip with my whole attention back on my book, but instead of leaving, she sat beside me. I looked up at her and found her closely looking at me.

"What?" I asked as I looked at her.

"Nothing... I just miss my old Alara!" She told me and I frowned and looked down.

"I don't understand what you are talking about?" I muttered lightly as I flip the page of the book acting as if my whole attention is on the book but my mind is somewhere else. It's been a month since I last talked to him and it felt like everything has changed in me and around me.

"Do you remember the last time you laugh?" She asked me as she touched my shoulder.

"Mary you are thinking too much, it's just I am busy with my study. Becoming a doctor is not easy" I told her. She only smiled back at me.

"I just want you to stay happy," she told me and leave the room.

I sat there thinking back to her words, she is right but what can I do? It's like I can't do anything. I always feel this immense sadness. Whenever I am not busy my mind goes back to him. Noah and Caleb also have sensed that something is wrong, they would always ask me but I am tired of lying to them.

Noah's birthday is coming and I want to go back for his birthday but at the same time, I also don't want to face them. They will see straight through me. And also that stalker he has made my life so difficult. I am always scared to go out. And I have no one to tell about him. Noah and Caleb will take me back if I told them. I thought to tell Jack about it but then thought against it.

I have told Rachel to throw the flowers away if they come for me but the stalker get to know of it and wasn't happy about it not that I care. The next day I got a Teddy bear in my bag, I don't know when and how he got near my bag but that thing scared me. He knows what I wear and what I eat, and he knows about all my favourite things. I am already dealing with a lot and at top of it, this stalker has made my life a living hell.

I have started spending most of the time at the house and come back from the bookshop early and if I am late I would hail a cab. I just hope this stalker or whoever he is just gets out of my life!


It was Friday and I decided to go back home to surprise my brothers. I want a little peace that I can only get from my own family, in my own home. I told Mary to not inform them about our arrival.

We reached late at night and Mary's son picked us up, they dropped me at my home and left. Mary was also missing her kids and grandchildren. And I was feeling bad that only because of me she couldn't come here, Caleb and Noah had come to meet me there in New York many times but she was missing her family. It's been six months since we have lived in New York which is a lot.

I stood in front of the door and looked at my home. A tear came to my eye at all the happy memories. I never thought that leaving this house will cost me heartbreak. I was happy here, my brothers always make it sure that I am being well cared for and well provided for. I never had to worry about anything in this home and now look at myself standing in front of my home with a broken heart.

I wiped my tears and ring the bell, nobody came for a while so I rang again and this time I heard Noah yelling at Caleb to open the door who mumble something back. I heard Noah cursing him as he came to open the door and when he looked at me in front of him he paused, he was sleeping by the way his hairs are messy and he is in his nightwear.

"Apple pie!" He asked still unsure and I groaned at his nickname for me.

"Noah bear!" I said back with a teasing smirk at which he chuckled and shake his head. I then moved in his arms and I put my head on his shoulder. I missed them!

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