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A|N: Hello everyone, I’m open for criticism.
If you see any grammatical, punctuation, or typographical problems, please feel free to correct me. Your opinions are greatly valued. Enjoy reading!


Earsplitting silence lingered with the atmosphere inside the mansion when Kouvoh and Kharryl steps in. Until...

“Oh my God!” Kourah blurt out, gasping.

Kharryl bowed a little, “magandang hapon po...” she plastered a faint smile on her face while observing everyone’s reaction.

Laeioun smiled and slightly nod at her when they shared an eye contact. Shouldn’t he mad at her? She is with his husband for pete’s sake!

“Kharryl, dear? is that really you?” Kourah questioned, still can’t believe. Standing beside her is Alfiana who’s still in her recovery process or speechless state. Between the married couple is South who’s still has the same look on his face; disfavoring her presence.

“Ako nga po ito, Ma’am Kourah.” Kharryl confirmed.

“Oh my!” Kourah exclaimed and ran to her with open arms. Giving her a tight hug.

Standing at the corner, Kharryl noticed Nejilda and Mhalee; widely smiling at her. She returned a smile.

When Kourah stepped away; everyone made their way closer to her. Welcoming her with hug and greetings.

“Welcome back, Ryl.” Laeioun murmured when he caged her in his arms.

Does she really deserve to be welcomed like this after what she did?

Slightly hesitated, she smiled and said “Thank you, Sir.”

Laeioun chuckled, “cut the formality, just call me Lae or what kind of nickname you are comfortable to use. After all, you are no longer our employee, yes?” Kharryl nod in return.

She diverted her attention to South who’s few meters away from them. The way he look at her, she know she would face numerous rigor before she could finally gain his trust. But before that, she needs to talk to Kouvoh. They need to clarify some things.

“Join us, please...” Alfiana motioned the dining table.

All eyes are convincing her to join so Kharryl couldn’t say no. She nodded to everyone, Kouvoh quietly guided her to a seat; which is unoccupied seat beside the young boy. She can see how he want to walk away so she sighed and tried to smile at him; despite her shattering heart. She turned to Kouvoh and he noticed her look. He understood the assignment when he looked away and pulled another chair for her.

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