Chapter 1

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I wake up and stay lying in bed for a few minutes staring at the ceiling before I remember what day it is today. It's my eighteenth birthday. On a female wolf's eighteenth birthday their body is finally ready to mate. I don't remember exactly all the details about what changes are actually happening, or going to happen to my body, but I do know it means that I will be able to find my mate.

Finding a mate is supposed to be like the most magical thing that anyone can ever feel. Ugh, heavy eye roll!

Now, I know there is no guarantee, in fact it's probably highly unlikely, I will find my mate today, but I can't help the smile that starts to creep slowly across my face as I think about the possibility.

It's not like I'm an unattractive girl, but I'd say I'm pretty average. About 5 foot 7 inches tall with brown hair falling halfway down my back in messy curls. Sure, guys have hit on me in the past, but I've never really been attracted to any of them, and when I never showed any interest in them, they moved on.

Unlike my best friend Emma, who has always gotten all the attention from guys. She's your classic gorgeous blonde girl. She's always been popular and outgoing. She has a bubbly personality that draws everyone in, and she's always had a, let's just say, less reserved philosophy than me when it comes to guys she dates.


In our province we have a werewolf University that people usually go to after high-school when they are eighteen to twenty-one-ish, give or take a year or two. At university we have the same high-level of educational classes that a normal human university would have, but we also have specialized classes as well. Things like combat training, strategy and tactics, and medicine. All the things a pack needs to learn to survive successfully.

I'm sitting in my final class of the day, at the back of the lecture hall, lost in my own thoughts. It's been a pretty boring birthday so far, so I try to imagine all of the things my best friend Emma has planned for me tonight to celebrate. Even though I told her she didn't have to do anything, I know she has something planned.

I was so absorbed in my own head that I didn't even notice his scent until he sat down beside me.

"So, you're my mate, are you?" He says. That's when I realized how amazing he smells.

I look up at him and my jaw drops. Literally drops to the floor. He is beyond gorgeous. "I, ugh, ugh, what?" Wow, way to form a sentence there, my brain says to me. He chuckles softly and grabs my hand and stands up. A tingle shoots through my entire body as he says "come on, get up and come with me." I shove my notebook back in my bag, swinging the bag onto my back, and my body follows behind him as he leads us out into the hallway.

He spots a couch tucked away in a small study nook and leads us over there to sit down. "My name is Oliver, but you can call me Ollie." He says. "And you are?"

I barely have time to register what he is saying to me when I hear someone's voice yell, "Adelaide!" I look away from him and see my step-brother is coming down the hall. His face is angry, but what else is new? "Come on, let's go," he yells at me again.

I look over at this guy I just met "Sorry, that's my brother, I gotta go." I pause, and then sheepishly add "Bye Ollie" and run off after Levi.


It's almost the end of the day and I'm bored of being at school. I've ditched on my last class and decide to walk around the buildings to eat up time until my beta is done his exam so we can jet this place.

I turn into the education building. Ugh my least favourite building. I haven't actually had a class in here since my second year, but I prefer to be in the training building where we focus on different combat skills and strategies.

That's when the smell hits me. It's the most delicious thing I've ever smelt. Like vanilla mixed with cinnamon and honey. "Fuck me now" I breath out.

It's coming from the class up ahead. I open the door, and it doesn't take me long to find her. She's sitting in the back row with her head down in a notebook. I jump over the seat and sit in the seat next to her. "So you're my mate, are you?" I grin at her.

She looks up at me surprised, she didn't even notice me and barely squeaks out "I, ugh, ugh, what?"

I lightly chuckle at her but it's the first time I actually get to look at her. She's got gorgeous blue/grey eyes that have sparkles in them. Her face is warm and gentle, with a light blush starting to creep across her cheeks. Her brown hair flows softly around her face and my god is she beautiful!

I grab her hand and stand up. Instantly it feels like an electric shock has just ran through my entire body. "Come on, get up and come with me," I say as I lead her out of the lecture hall and into the hallway.

I scan around for somewhere private as I have this uncontrollable urge to learn everything about this girl. I find a couch tucked away in a nook out of the way of the main flow of traffic and lead her over there.

When we get there I sit down and tug slightly on her hand so she sits down beside me. I take a second to glance at her again, and figure she's got to be in her first year. I decide I should probably introduce myself before she gets freaked out, "My name is Oliver, but you can call me Ollie." I say. "And you are?"

Before she even has a chance to open her mouth, we hear someone shouting through the hall. "Adelaide!" a guy yells over towards us. Instantly her head shoots up and turns toward the sound. "Come on, let's go" the guy yells again.

"Sorry, that's my brother, I gotta go." She starts to walk away and then turns back and quickly says "Bye Ollie" just before she runs off. Jesus fucking Christ. Just hearing her say my name like that makes me want to grab her and push her up against the wall, take my canines, sink them into her neck and mark her as mine.  

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