Chapter 5

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As we walk up to their pack house, I can hear music pumping through the front door. Oliver opens the door and wraps his arm around my shoulder pulling me closer to him. He leads us straight to the kitchen where there is booze everywhere. "What would you ladies like to drink? We've pretty much got everything" he laughs. Shit he's got an amazing laugh, it warms up my insides just listening to it.

I look to Emma and she shrugs her shoulders. Emma and I haven't really drank very much before, so I don't really know what there is. I settle on asking for two beers figuring that was a safe choice.

Oliver reaches into the fridge and pulls out two brown bottles and proceeds to crack them both open before he hands them to Emma and myself. I take a swig and I'm instantly hit with a bitter taste. It's not my favourite but I decide to keep drinking, not wanting to look like a bad guest.

Oliver grabs himself and Sebastian a beer as well. He then comes back to me and wraps his arm around my shoulder again. "Shall we go have some fun?" he asks looking down at me. I nod my head yes as my whole body tingles from his touch.

We walk out of the kitchen and it seems like every few steps there is a different person yelling "hey" to him or shaking his hand or fist pumping him. This guy is popular, like uber popular. Which makes sense, he is going to be the next alpha of his pack after all.

By this point, I've made my way out of his embrace as it's awkward whenever someone comes up to him. We make our way into the living room when a skinny blonde girl with bright red lipstick on, runs up to him "Ollie! Where have you been? I haven't seen you in ages" she squeals and her hands fly up around his neck as she plants her lips onto his cheek. She pulls away and has left a bright red lipstick stain on his cheek.

My body whines in instant jealousy. Who is this girl? I immediately don't like her.

Oliver must be able to sense my jealousy because her turns to me and says, "Rebecca this is my mate Adelaide". He grabs my arm and pulls me in beside him and wraps his arm around my waist.

The girl, Rebecca, momentarily looks shocked, but she recovers quickly "Hi Adelaide, it's so nice to meet you" she says in a sickly-sweet girls voice. Fake, she's not excited to meet you at all my brain chimes in. No shit, you think?

She looks back to Oliver and says "who wants to play a drinking game?" A nasty smile stretches out on her face. "Bash, go get some shots!" she tells Oliver's beta.


We start off by playing a drinking game called sevens. Basically, we go around in a circle and you can't say a number with a seven in it or a multiple of seven or else you need to take a shot.

Rebecca wines out, "I'm bored of this game, let's play something more exciting!" An evil glint in her eyes. "I'll start. Never have I ever lost a fight." A cocky smile creeps across her face. A few people drink.

We go around the circle for the most part with innocent questions like the one guy says "Never have I ever been inside a girl's bathroom." Clearly his attempt to get all of the girls to drink, but I notice that Oliver also takes a drink. My eyebrow rises as I look at him and wonder why he's been in a girl's bathroom before. He looks at me and just shrugs his shoulder not giving anything away.

It's back to Rebecca's turn and she looks directly at me and says "Never have I ever had sex with an alpha." She puts her drink up to her lips and takes a big swig, never breaking eye contact with me.

"Fuck Becca! The point of the game is to get people to confess to things they've done not what you've done," he grunts.

"Oopsies," she says in that sickeningly-sweet voice again.

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