Chapter 13

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A harsh growl escapes his mouth and he looks directly into my eyes, "what the fuck happened, Addie?"

Shock and shame fill my body. He was not supposed to find out about this. Not like this. I can't speak, so all I do is shake my head from side to side and lower my gaze from his.

"Tell me!" he shouts.

I flinch away from his harsh tone, and tears start to develop in my eyes. "I-I, they're from training" I lie to him.

"Bullshit," he snaps back at me. "Your body heals too quickly, and bruises only appear from broken bones." He takes a deep breath, "these are from last night, aren't they? This is why I could hear you mind-link me Adelaide. You weren't fucking frustrated; you got the shit beat out of you!"

I try to hold back the tears, but I can't, they start to fall down my cheeks. Oliver sighs as his hands reach up to wipe them away. "Please babe, tell me what happened? I told you I would protect you and I clearly failed" he says with so much angst in his voice.

I shake my head, not being able to actually speak. So I reach out with my mind, and do the only thing I can. I think one word – his name. Levi.

He tenses under me, so I know he heard me. "What do you mean Levi?" he asks. "Your brother did this to you?"

I nod my head up and down, and can't take the crushing feeling in my chest anymore. I collapse onto Ollie's body and silently start to sob. He wraps his arms around me and holds me tight. A minute passes before he speaks again "Babe, I need you to tell me what happened, please?" he begs.

I take a breath, trying to calm myself and stop the crying "I can't" I whisper to him.

A few minutes pass and nothing is said between us. I lie on top of him too numb to feel anything. Finally he breaks the silence "You're staying here, with me, from now on."

His words shock me, and I move so I can look up at him. "What-What do you mean? You want me to move into the pack house?" I ask. He shakes his head in a yes. "What about my stuff? Where will I stay?"

He lets out a sigh, "I will go and pick up your stuff tomorrow after classes, and you'll be staying here, in my room, with me of course. I told you I will protect you and I'm going to do just that."

My mouth drops open at the words he has just uttered. He wants me to stay... with him. Not just at his place, but in the same room, in the same bed as him. My heart starts to race and I take a couple of deep breaths trying to calm it back down. Once I've composed myself I say "I'm coming with you to get my stuff."

"No" he growls back at me.

"Yes, I am!" I snap back. "You're not just going into my room and going through all my stuff, there's boundaries" I huff out.

"Fine" he replies, "we'll go together. I'm not letting you out of my sight."

"Fine" I breathe out. My body gives out and I collapse against him. This conversation has exhausted me, and I close my eyes and pass out. What a fucking day.


Addie falls asleep on top of me and I just lay there cradling her in my arms. I can't even explain what the fuck just happened here. My mate has been beaten, by her brother, and I have no idea why. I knew there was something wrong with that guy and I didn't do anything about it, and now my precious babe has been hurt because of it.

I look over at the clock on my dresser and it says 10:00PM. I slowly shift my body out from under her, careful not to wake her up, and get up out of the bed. I mind link Bash, Where are you? as I start to pace back and forth in my room.

I'm just chillin at the house, why? What's up? Bash replies in my head.

Meet me in my office now!


I'm pacing again, when Sebastian finally gets his ass in my office. "Close the door" I snap at him as he walks inside.

"I'm here, what's up?" he says as he closes the door and sits down in a chair.

I take a deep breath before I let out in a growl "Levi fucking beat her!"

"Levi beat who?" he asks.

I stop and turn directly to him, furious that I have to explain this to him, "Levi beat Adelaide."

I watch as his mouth drops open and he asks "what do you mean he beat Adelaide?"

"I mean he fucking beat her!" I scream at him. "She's got fucking bruises all over her chest and a massive one on her thigh. You only get fucking bruises like that from broken bones."

"What happened?" he asks, and he's really starting to piss me off with his stupid fucking questions.

"I don't fucking know! She wouldn't tell me what happened." I groan out. "I didn't tell you this, but she mind-linked me last night. After he beat her, she fucking mind-linked me, because she was in that much pain!" I huff out and collapse into a chair.

"Ollie, what are you going to do?" he asks me.

"Fuck, I don't know, kill him for starters" I growl out.

"You can't just fucking kill him, it'll start something" he says calmly. Too calmly it makes me want to punch him. "You need to call Alpha Jake and talk to him about it."

"Ugh" I grunt out.

"You know I'm right, man. And look, I'm really sorry about Adelaide. Whatever you need, I've got your back."

"Ya, thanks. Now get the fuck out of here!" I grumble back at him.


I barely get any sleep after I make my way back up to my room and crawl into my bed with Addie. She looks so adorable while she sleeps, so content, but I can't get my mind to stop replaying everything I found out.

I get up at six am and decide to call Alpha Jake like Bash suggested. I make my way down to my office where I can talk in private. I sort through my contacts to find his number and push the call button. The phone rings twice before he answers "Hello?"

"Hey Alpha Jake, it's Oliver Blackstone, sorry for calling so early" I say.

"No worries, I'm already up. What do you need?" he asks.

"It's about your beta, Levi Armstrong."

"Ya, what about him?"

"I need you to let him go" I spit the words out.

My request pisses him off "what the fuck makes you think you have the right to tell me what to do Oliver?" he spits out.

"Do you know who his sister is?" I ask him trying to keep my calm. "Ya, Adelaide, I've met her a few times, why?" he asks the anger still in his voice.

"Adelaide is my mate, and I found out last night that he beat the shit out of her!" my voice rising. "He broke two of her ribs and her fucking femur. Do you know how much pressure it takes to break a femur?" I yell at him, no longer able to keep my anger down.

"Ya, man, I do" he says dejected. "Do you know what happened? Why he did it?" he asks.

"No, she won't tell me" I tell him feeling defeated.

"Look, Oliver, I'm really sorry about what happened to your mate. I'll talk to Levi about it and get to the bottom of it. I'll make sure he's reprimanded appropriately, but I can't let him go. I have no one else who can take the beta position and I won't leave my pack unprotected."

"Thanks" I say and then hang up the phone.

I make my way back to my room, and quietly open the door. I look down at the bed and Addie is still asleep. Not wanting to wake her, I cross the room and head into the ensuite to take a shower. 

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