Chapter 18

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The next day, after Ollie and I had sex, he got called away to some important pack territory negotiations. Not exactly how I wanted to spend my next days, no longer as a virgin. I made an appointment with the pack doctor and got an IUD put in, as they are much more effective for werewolves than normal birth control is, and there's no way in hell I'm getting pregnant at eighteen.

Fortunately, Bash had to go with him, so that meant I was able to spend all my free time hanging out with Emma like we did before these boys waltzed into our lives. Turns out that, that same night, Emma lost her virginity too when she asked Bash to stay with her. So of course, we squealed about this for the next few days.

Thank God, that when I wake up this morning, Oliver is beside me in bed. He must have come home late last night and not woken me. Because even though we mated, there is one step that he forgot, to end this fucking cycle of hell that is heat. Turns out, in order to actually complete the cycle, he needs to mark me. And while he's been gone for almost a week now, my heat came back about a day and a half ago, and without any sexual contact from him it's just been festering.

I climb on top of him and slowly start to grind my hips into him. Instantly his arms grab my waist and stops me from moving. His eyes fly open and I smirk at him as I say, "good morning." He relaxes his arms and I continue to grind myself on him. He moans, and then flips me over so I'm on my back and he's on top breaking our contact.

He smiles at me and asks, "What's got you in such a frisky mood?"

"Well my mate is home after being away for almost a week" I purr at him. "And since you never marked me after we slept together my heat came back already."

"Oh fuck!" he grunts as he sits back on his knees. "Shit, when did this happen?" he asks with concern in his voice.

I sigh, getting frustrated by the lack of contact as I grumble "day before yesterday."

"Fuck!" he groans. "I'm sorry Addie, I really didn't think I was going to be gone for that long."

"Well, maybe you should have just marked me after you fucked me!" I spit out at him. My anger starting to rise from the heat burning inside me.

"You weren't ready" he snaps back at me. He takes a deep breath before continuing, "You should stay home today. I'm really sorry but I can't stay with you today, because of the time I've already missed, I have to go to my classes."

His shitty excuse pisses me off. "It's Emma's fucking birthday today, so no, I won't be staying home today. I'm going to school too. Now since you're clearly not going to help me with my problem, I'm going to go have a fucking cold shower" I shout at him as I stomp into the bathroom and slam the door.


By the time I get out of my shower, Oliver's already gotten ready and is out of our room. I rummage through my clothes, looking for a dress to wear. Even though the weather has changed and I know it's going to be a fairly cool day out, I want as little amount of clothing touching me while still being appropriate.

I make my way down to the kitchen, and Sebastian is sitting at the table eating his breakfast. I smirk at him as I walk in, and he looks up at me and asks "what?"

"Oh nothing, nothing at all I say to him" and give him a wink as I walk past to the refrigerator.

"Shit!" he groans. "She told you, didn't she?" he asks.

I laugh, "Oh yes, yes she did!" I tell him. He shakes his head and continues to eat his food. I quickly scramble up some eggs and make myself toast and then go sit at the table across from Bash. I check my watch and ask him "where's Oliver? We have to leave right away."

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